I've got what is probably a simple question.
I'm in the process of converting my band's old live shows from audio tape (regular store bought tapes) to CD. I'm recording into SoundForge 5.0 and just burning it out onto CD. Should I record at 88.2k-24 bit stereo or is 44.1-16 bit mono fine?
Well, it would be better to record them at 44.1/16 and use Waves
Well, it would be better to record them at 44.1/16 and use Waves Restoration plug ins on them...
Higher sampling rates are not going to improve the sound off of tape in any way.
Opus :D
what does Waves Restoration do? I'm guessing it probably restor
what does Waves Restoration do? I'm guessing it probably restores wav files. But how exactly?