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Memory prices still falling

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Submitted by Tommy P. on

Check this:

CRUCIAL MICRON 512MB 64x64 PC 2700 DDR RAM - OEM $79.00 free shipping, lifetime warranty

That was from newegg as of 2/27/03. Best price ever for the best ram. Grab em if you need em. I don't know how far prices will drop. I've seen it like this once before, prices usually turn back up towards the spring.


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Tommy P.

Prolab, you can use the PC2700 instead of the PC2100, but I'll dig up a link for PC2100.

Edit: you should'nt mix different types on the same board though.

[=""]PC2700 79.99 at[/]="http://www.newegg.c…"]PC2700 79.99 at[/]

[[url=http://="http://www.newegg.c…"]PC2100 71.99[/]="http://www.newegg.c…"]PC2100 71.99[/]

free tee shirt too if you want one :cool:

Fri, 02/28/2003 - 12:07 Permalink
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Well, I've also noticed this price-drop... and I've ordered another 512MB 2700 DDR RAM.

So I will end up with having 1024 MB RAM on my ANUS-machine. Is it worth adding even more RAM than that to my DAW?

In what way would that gain performance of it? Number of VST-plugins? Software sampler performance? Or even more audiotracks?

As I understand VST-plugins is mainly a matter of CPU-power.

Mon, 03/10/2003 - 13:44 Permalink
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Adding memory does not give you more audio tracks or more VSTi's in any way. The performance difference between 512 and 1GB is very little but it's the "ease of mind" that it gives you that make syou feel more confident in your system! lol

It's extra "headroom" so to speak for memory intensive applications or samples basically that will benefit more from it than anything.

Only the CPU will give you more out of the system than anything.


Mon, 03/10/2003 - 23:22 Permalink