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My name is Robot, and I'm your humble Linux and Csound moderator.

Linux as an audio OS? I think YES! There is a burgeoning growth of awesome new ideas and crazy experiments to be found under Linux. Alsa-project sound drivers keep getting better, Audio Multitrackers like Ardour continue to mature.

What is your favortite aspect of Linux Audio? What is your favorite Distribution of Linux or is it BSD? Beos? QNX?

Have you been dying to learn Pd (Pure Data) or CSound? Can't find a good front end for your CSound Orchestras? Have a crazy experiment?

This is the place for YOU!

Here are some resources:

Linux Audio Archive:


Pure Data:


Link removed


anonymous Fri, 10/19/2001 - 15:35

Hi llornkcor2!

Very nice to meet you!

Please do help drum up support! You rock!

3 hours and already we're getting a buzz hehe :)

BTW I'd like to mention that I can also help with Fibre Channel storage and Digital Audio cards for pc.

I say this as I begin to drill holes in my Maudio Delta 1010 prepping it for new ADCs ;]

Anyone got a favorite 12.288Mhz clock brand?

