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Delta 1010 Hummer

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Submitted by oxyent on

My three-year-old Delta 1010 seems to have developed a problem. A few months ago I noticed that when I first power up I hear a hum coming from the card ... at least I'm pretty sure it's the card and not the breakout box. And the hum is LOUD ... I have to kill the volume on the amp until it passes. It used to take two minutes to fade away ... now it's taking 25 minutes. Has anyone encountered this problem before? And is it possible to just buy a replacement card and not an entire new system? :(



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I found out yesterday from someone in the sales department at Maudio that my little humming problem is a result of dying capacitors in the breakout box ... it's a problem they're aware of.

But hats off to Maudio, they're sending me a new unit (for keeps) and I'm returning mine. That's the best customer service I've ever received ... especially since my 1010 was out of warranty.

Wed, 09/11/2002 - 06:42 Permalink
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David French

Yeah, I had the same problem with my M-Audio Omni I/O. Actually, I have owned three Omni I/O's in the past two months. I returned the first one to AMS after encountering this problem within the first two weeks of use. My second unit began humming within three weeks. M-Audio also admitted to me that there was a consistent problem with a certain chip in the preamp circuit. They are also sending me another unit and they did so as soon I as I was able to wade through the jungle of contacting them. A good piece of advice for anyone facing a problem like this with any M-Audio gear would be to forget email and all that and just call them at (625)445-2842 and ask to be connected to extension 254. This is the direct extention to the repairs department and there should be no waiting if you contact the this way. I had to wait for about a month waiting for them to respond to email, which is strange, since they say that they will respond in no more than two business days. Oh well, you live and you learn. :)

Fri, 09/13/2002 - 12:31 Permalink
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You're right, the phone's the way to go in dealing with Maudio. But I gotta say, they really seem to care about our problems and they don't deny that problems exist ... even if they are a little hung up on ACPI and IRQ issues these days. They cross-shipped a new Delta 1010 to me and it arrived yesterday DOA ... wouldn't power up. This morning I called and told 'em I can't afford to be canceling sessions and I'd gladly pay the freight for an overnight replacement ... they went me one better and said they'd pick up half the cost of the freight. I'll continue to do business with Midiman if for no other reason than their great support. And hopefully, I'll have my studio up and running again tomorrow.

Thu, 09/19/2002 - 08:56 Permalink