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Great! What does it do?

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Submitted by oxyent on

I've always wished I didn't have to be my own engineer, but being poor ... well, you all know the story. But I'm also a gear and gadget lover. So what drives me absolutely bonkers is when I see an ad for something that sounds like something I REALLY REALLY NEED but I don't have a clue what it does ... like this from the Musician's Friend website:

CX3400 Super-X Pro Crossover

Precision active frequency crossover for 2- or 3-way stereo or 4-way mono operation. A perfect solution for FOH or monitoring systems of any caliber -- live or in the studio. 24dB/octave, state-variable Linkwitz-Riley filters for

precise frequency separation. Totally flat summed amplitude response with zero phase difference. Independent IGC limiter per output and adjustable

time delay for phase alignment between drivers with phase reverse switch. Switchable 25Hz subsonic filter; Switchable EQ; Low Sum function;

servo-balanced, gold-plated XLR connectors (2 in, 6 out).


Okay, I don't have a clue what this device is for but it sounds so nifty. For starters, what the heck is "FOH"?

(Is this question beginner enough for you?)



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Thanks. I get what you mean about not needing it to record.

Of course, this is going to make it a lot harder to convince my wife I really do NEED it.


Thu, 09/20/2001 - 07:16 Permalink