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Logic midi controller

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Submitted by anonymous on

Is there a good place to look for templates of midi controllers for logic..

I have 2 Tascam Tmd 4000 consoles and I wish I could just arm tracks from it so it works more like a mulitrack?




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Hi Brian, nice to have you here!

Look at :

Len Sasso runs an archive for the Logic User Group and also distributes a collection of nearly any Environment you can propably think of.

Or build your own environment, just look up the MIDI implementation of your Tascam and assign switches in the env.

The environment is a really powerful tool for creating MIDI control routings/transformations and editors for every MIDI controlled device.

You can even set up input objects in your Audio-Environment: :D


Along those lines..

I'm running LAW 4.7 windoze..

I'd like to setup my digi mixer to send into my 2408 and use the plugs in LAw as sorta an external Fx's unit.. I'm sure I had

it work once..


so far, Niko

Sat, 08/18/2001 - 11:52 Permalink