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Just wondering if you guys use the auto save function in your daw. I previously haven't but am considering it for the new setup.

If you are using it, how often do you have it save a backup? 

Alsp how many backups do have have it set to store, before it overwrites the oldest one?

I was thinking about setting it to backup every 10 or 15 minutes, and save my last 100 backups.

Curious what others are doing.



audiokid Fri, 06/10/2022 - 19:43

I've never used auto save and not sure I would because I often never know if I should save something. I know that sounds reckless but I may use only part of a file during the editing of say a template and if it saved parts I don't want, that could be bad.

I think it would be useful for tracks, but the printed tracks are always saved...  so that doesn't really make sense either.

How would you use auto save?

kmetal Fri, 06/10/2022 - 20:42

audiokid wrote:
I've never used auto save and not sure I would because I often never know if I should save something. I know that sounds reckless but I may use only part of a file during the editing of say a template and if it saved parts I don't want, that could be bad.

I think it would be useful for tracks, but the printed tracks are always saved...  so that doesn't really make sense either.

How would you use auto save?

The way I *think* it works is basically like an automatic 'save as'.  So if your tweaking setting in a mix it will essentially give you snapshots if your session. I tend to only use save when I want to definitely have something committed, and save as, for just the ability to go back to a previous setting. Sometimes I'll change a pluggin setting or whatever, and end up not liking it later, so I'll go to an older version and copy the settings over.

My main reason for never using auto save was I was afraid of interrupts or whatever, but computers are quite powerful relative to the last decades, so I was thinking it might make sense.

My manual save as is usually when I'm either liking the session, but want to keep working, or when I want to try an experiment or whatever that may include alot of changes.  Im thinkinh auto save might be a nice complement to that because it's just done in regular time intervals. I think it's more of a safeguard than anything else.

Still not sure about it...

paulears Sun, 06/12/2022 - 00:34

Cubase saves regular .bak files. I've never told it to, it just does, and theyve come in handy quite often. I always do regular incremental file number backups, but it's when I forget........

kmetal Sun, 06/12/2022 - 17:22

paulears wrote:
Cubase saves regular .bak files. I've never told it to, it just does, and theyve come in handy quite often. I always do regular incremental file number backups, but it's when I forget........

Oh cool, good to know! I think I'm going to give it a try.