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psp vintage warmer?

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Submitted by planet red on

Anyone tried it? I've heard a lot of people say its an *almost* FATSO. I went out and bought spark today so id have something that can use vst plugs and come to find out it its coming out in RTAS.



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Originally posted by THE MIX FIX:


I called it 'ALMOST' a FATSO. :) ;)

I did the review for the FATSO for the April MIX, so I'm pretty familiar with the unit.

The PSP 'Vintage Warmer' is the best 'Warming Devise' Plug-in I've ever heard!! :cool:

Of course, it's a Plug-in, NOT a FATSO.. :roll:

BUT, why not sample the demo, FREE, PLUS the other products they have, here:

(Dead Link Removed)

Too bad you bought the VST converter. They also have a link to a site with a FREE VST to Direct-X converter, at PSP, PLUS they have a Mac version, as well.


Have you tried out analog channel's tape simulator (TDM)? Just curious what your thoughts were. I have it, and on some days I think it rocks. On other days I think it's kind of cool. Then some days I hit bypass.


Thu, 11/01/2001 - 06:55 Permalink