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McCurdy Console

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Submitted by Tungstengruvsten on

I have a chance to purchase a fully maintained and working 1970's 12 channel McCurdy broadcast console-for very cheap. I know this isn't a Harrison or Neve desk but it was a $30k desk when it came out-will I benefit from any character this desk could have?

I would mainly use it for tracking through if it imparted a unique character to the sound. I have seen pic's of the mic and line preamps and they are built like tanks-they have transformers and discrete circuitry by the looks of it. I've also found retrofit mic preamps for it on the web-anyone ever seen one in use or used one? Know a damn thing about them?


Eric Warren



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I'm here!!

but I don't understand the question. Broadcast consoles can have strange routing for use as a recording desk.

I don't know that particular console so it is hard to say. Direct me to a picture or circuit diagram .... something!

Retrifit things can be cool but first ask yourself why am I doing this and if it fills the need then do it.

Last thing.... the EQ section matters, an inbuilt patchbay wiil save you much time, and replacement parts and switches could be very dificult.

that's all I can give for now?

Fri, 02/22/2002 - 14:12 Permalink
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McCurdy still is in business here in Canada but they don't make consoles any more.

I've used and maintained their consoles from the early tube models through the transistor and solid state editions.

Yes, they are solidly built to stand up to the mistreatment of ham fisted dj's.

They sound pretty good but be prepared to re-cap.

They usually mix down to mono or two stereo channels, after all, they were built for broadcast.

There were some more sophisticated models for production use.

It's not crap by any means.

Fri, 02/22/2002 - 20:50 Permalink
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The console can be had for less than a Marshall microphone-with rack mounted preamps i was hoping i'd either be able to isolate those if they were any good or use the whole desk for something. It's coming from the CBC and has been maintained and was removed in working condition-even stored in a climate controlled environment. Maybe it won't be worth the couple hundred bucks but I'm gonna go take a look at it...heck if I could pull a good handful of parts/meters/knobs it might be worth the investment...maybe even just as a conversation piece...

Sat, 02/23/2002 - 08:32 Permalink