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getting my songs heard.

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Submitted by anonymous on

How do I get recorded companies to even listen

to my songs,to start with.?



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Doug Milton

Check out the “Top Books to Read” section of this site. Many good references there……

Fri, 04/11/2003 - 01:37 Permalink
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I call and make appointments. Then go sit in their office.

You need to make a connection inorder to do this. You make a connection by being good enough that soemone will hook you up, or by being an excellent networker.

Sometimes studio owners have ins at certain labels and can at least get a listen.

Sat, 04/12/2003 - 18:07 Permalink
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Originally posted by sdevino:

I call and make appointments. Then go sit in their office.

You need to make a connection inorder to do this. You make a connection by being good enough that soemone will hook you up, or by being an excellent networker.

Sometimes studio owners have ins at certain labels and can at least get a listen.

:) Just to add, when you do get an appointment, if they ask you what you have in mind, you must be prepared to give some kind of reasonable answer. Also, having several more killer songs in the pipe opens more doors for possibilities with you as the artist.

Based on an experience,


Tue, 04/22/2003 - 13:42 Permalink