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New Article On Bill Putnam in MIX MAGAZINE

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Submitted by anonymous on

I would like to draw attention to a great article on Bill Putnam in Mix this month. You can read it free on the net. If you haven't fully aquainted yourself with the gentleman, I highly suggest you do so now. To merely say he was a major force in shaping current recording technology is to ignore his huge contributions behind the board. Frank Sinatra actually put him on retainer because he didn't like to record with anyone else! If your jaw doesn't drop open at least once while you read this article you probably shouldn't have skipped that last Tetanus shot. David


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I saw that too Doc...great article! It is actually a two-parter.

The most recent issue has a picture of Bing Crosby and Bill Putnam together in the control room.

As the story goes, the last session the Bill ever engineered was for Mr. Crosby. this happened right after Bill had multiple heart bypass surgery and afte Bing Crosby lost a lung to cancer. Bing reportedly said to Bill..."If you can still engineer, I can still sing."

Classic!!! :)

Mon, 11/17/2003 - 09:47 Permalink
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anyone who made-up sinatras voice ahs got to be good...a man who had no true range sure sounded dynamic and pleasing to the ears on record...dude was in my brains not in my ears yeah I'll go read it...and bing was the bling bling....cosby wow.....this ain't your pudding man....mister vanilla was yeah I'm gonna read it

Thu, 11/20/2003 - 00:10 Permalink
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Originally posted by MAProTulz:

Saw a UA console on eBay for 55K. It looks exactly like the one that's in the

Mix magazine article. Do a search in Musical Instruments->Professional Audio->mixers

for Universal Audio Neve (I think the neve is just there to show up when someone

searches for Neve. If they're interested in Neve, they may be interested in UA)

JJP [Jack Joseph Puig] in OceanWay 'A' (room he's been encsonced in for about 8 years) uses the UA board used to record 'Pet Sounds' as a reverb return about plush!

Fri, 11/21/2003 - 08:20 Permalink