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TapeOP article on tuning

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Submitted by RecorderMan on

Great Article in recent TapeOP by Jack Endino about Tuning...almost didn't read it. what could I learn? wrong! You (I!) can always learn.

Very informative. .…


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Nate Tschetter


Agreed completely, RM. I turned the page, saw a circuit board, got excited about a DIY project and noticed the circuit board was a guitar tuner...BORING! Then, I read the article ('cos TapeOp is just TOO short). Incredibly informative.

The bit about no two tuners being in tune with each other makes me want to get one of those Korg rack tuners and have all the players use that.

Mon, 07/29/2002 - 08:01 Permalink
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Originally posted by Nate Tschetter:

The bit about no two tuners being in tune with each other makes me want to get one of those Korg rack tuners and have all the players use that.

I spent three months assisting on John Fogerties "Blue Moon Swamp" Album in the early '90's. It was amazing...he's a FANATIC. He had a Peterson Strobe tuner that he calibrated to A440 from some old cheezy casio keyboard that he had.....every morning...then he'd use that to tune ALL gtrs's basses, etc. Also...they were using a fibre skin bass drum head...chaged every day....snare drum heads, changed evry 4 takes (or so) him(Fogerty)! Lot's of more stories from those sessions,,,oh...and three months were a drop in the bucket...he spent FIVE YEARS on that album...great album though :w:

Mon, 07/29/2002 - 08:27 Permalink
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I have a Peterson 420 on my bench at work (QC supervisor for Rhythm Band Instruments in FW Tx)but I prefer to use a software tuner called tunelab.It is accurate to 1/100th cent,does stretches and offsets,historical tuning templates etc.Designed for piano tuners to use on a laptop originally.Its shareware.Here is a download link...


Thu, 08/01/2002 - 13:47 Permalink
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Originally posted by Tom Hicks:

I tuner called tunelab.It is accurate to 1/100th cent,does stretches and offsets,historical tuning templates etc.Designed for piano tuners to use on a laptop originally.Its shareware.Here is a download link...


Hey that's great (potentially!). Is it ONLY for PC...or is there a Mac version; and if us to that also.

Thanks either way...a great piece of info


Fri, 08/02/2002 - 07:37 Permalink