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hi all this is my first post so i hope i am posting in the right place..

anyways i have been lookin at the Mackie onyx 1640 and i think i want to get it and sell the majority of my other gear for it but i dont know if the gear i have already is better

right now I'm using the hammerfall RME9636 sound card
with 2 beringher ultragain ada 8000s for a/d d/a converters
but i would like to get more of a hands on feel with a/d converting right off the board is this board anygood i knoow there is only 2 outputs as oppse the 16 i already have.and dont use i only use 2 for play back left and right

is the onyx fw card as good as the hammerfall RME9636 will i get more latency

i need to be recording 16 channels at one time is this board realy set up for that

i just dont want to step back I'm trying to step forward I'm i making the right move is there maby somthing else i might wanna look into as oppse to the 1640

my price range is around 2000 bux dont realy wanna spend more then that
any help or sugestions would be fantastic
thanx so much and sorry about the spelling


RemyRAD Tue, 10/30/2007 - 00:04

I guess my first question to you would be why change? Both units offer 24-bit 96kHz capabilities. Both units are good for 16 tracks worth of tracking (actually, the Mackie allows for 18 but you need to utilize 2 of those for monitor playback I believe). In its stock configuration, the Mackie equalizer's are not wired for tracking but only for mix down. So only in the situation of doing live sound and on location would there be an advantage to the Mackie where you can utilize the mixer for live PA feed during simultaneous 16 track tracking into/through your laptop, to an external hard disk drive. Plus, it's a lot more fun playing with all those knobs and dials instead of chasing a mouse all over your tabletop.

Eeeek! A mouse!
Ms. Remy Ann David

anonymous Tue, 10/30/2007 - 10:35

the reason i think i more or less would like it is
i am running my studio like this 16 channels into a berhinger mx 3242 board in xlr then out 1/4 inch into my berhingers ada 8000 witch have what i would think are pretty crapy preamps
so i would like to use the onyx premaps if there any good also not have to go to 1/4 inch just xlr to my computer i relize that its not that much better then my system but i like the hands on straght to the computer
i just want to know how much i may lose or gain if changing over

RemyRAD Tue, 10/30/2007 - 12:29

I actually like the idea, concept, of all of these new FireWire enabled mixers such as the 1640. I'm an old-fashioned engineer and I like all of the knobs and dials along with its versatility in signal routing and mixing.

So I would say, yeah, go for the 1640. You'll get superior microphone preamps and if you should so desire equalization to FireWire to your computer. There is information out there on how this can be accomplished without voiding the Mackie warranty, if you should so desire to add equalization while tracking. Something I personally like to do because I'm not afraid of what I can't undo. Particularly because I don't do anything to make anything sound horrible.

I'm having a horrendously good time.
Ms. Remy Ann David

RemyRAD Tue, 10/30/2007 - 13:45

Try searching the database as I believe that modification to the 1640 was mentioned here? But yes, currently the 1640 only offers pre-fader microphone preamp tracking. You may also want to contact Mackie about that modification.

Sorry I can't be of more help regarding the modification.
Ms. Remy Ann David