Priceless! And thanks to Bruce from http://www.bluebear… Blue Bear Sound Recording Studio - PROFESSIONAL Mixing[/]="http://www.bluebear… Blue Bear Sound Recording Studio - PROFESSIONAL Mixing[/] for turning me onto this priceless video!
OMG! Those were perfect! Reminded me of one of my first sessions
OMG! Those were perfect! Reminded me of one of my first sessions LOL. My first 24 track session, I was only 17. It was trial by fire and I really related to that first engineer clip. Nothing like sitting behind a large API console that you had never touched before. And everybody thinking you know what you're doing LOL... No way. I was wondering if they used any pitch correction on those inaugural singers earlier yesterday? You know those digital SSL desks can run real-time pitch correction. Everybody sounded too good, too spot on. And yet there was no Janet Jackson with one of her things hanging out. What was with that? I mean if they can show it on the National Geographic Channel why can't they show it on network television?
I think Janet died and Michael took her place?
Mx. Remy Ann David
Moved to here now:
Moved to here now: