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I posted this on the drumki from hell superior forum before realising here would be a better place to ask, :lol: :lol: :lol:

On track 3 of the new cryptopsy at 1.48, they do this great sorta sonic boom thing where it sounds like everything is rumbling and distorting like all hell. Clip

How the hell do i do this?:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I wanna use it on a track i'm rerecording!

Thanks guys! :D

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anonymous Sat, 02/11/2006 - 13:22

RemyRAD wrote: I think the " sonic boom" effect is from the horrendously overloaded example that you provided? Truly sounds like crap! It's just some additional bass guitar and bass drum, overloaded. Go have fun.

Ms. Remy Ann David

So what, just boost everything right up and fade out?

It's a cool effect, it just happens for that 1-2seconds in the song.

Thanks, your advice is always appreciated!

RemyRAD Sat, 02/11/2006 - 16:57

I would say to probably solo/isolate the bass and bass drum, mix a separate track of that. Then take that track, E. Q. it for heavier sub harmonics, insert that track into your nonlinear audio editing program, where you want it to appear and then fade it out at the appropriate time. What? No boom?

Bam! Now my teeth are brighter too!
Ms. Remy Ann David
