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Avalon 2022 or Element 78 MPE 200 ?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 04/08/2001 - 01:27

Already own a Focusrite 215 Blue; other than vocals I have to preamp a Royer stereo ribbon (SF12). Opinions ?


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My 3 current 2 channel favorites are: Pendulum MDP-1; Crane Song "Flamingo", Great River MP-2NV...with a strong 'Miss Congeniality Award' going to the DW Fearn 2 channel unit.

I guess that doesn't really answer the 2022/MPE 200 debate except as a 'none of the above'...which isn't entirely accurate. I would pick the 2022 over the MPE 200 any and every opportunity.

Sun, 04/08/2001 - 06:40 Permalink
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also: how dope is the SF 12? i'm trying to decide between an SF-12 & 121, or a top notch, or near it, vocal mic [u87/m149/brauner valet, etc...]

are the royers really going to step up my recordings alot? alot alot?

i'm thinking mostly drums for the ribbions. [i currently use tlm 193 [i know, i know...], km184, earthworks tc30 3 mic drum set up alot].


levels of ass kicked? not just "well, depends on yr application" i want to know what will serve me best in a variety of apps. [current pre pendulum mdp-1, w/distressor, apogee that part of the chain is pretty solid].


Wed, 05/02/2001 - 08:08 Permalink
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stevegalante--With an SF-12 as a drum overhead, I've been using the Pendulum MDP-1. When I use an SF-12 as a 'room mic' I seem to use the Crane Song 'Flamingo' most often.

The Great River MP-2NV isn't on the street yet, I've only played around with it in 'prototype' form. I've done a bit of piano with it and an SF-12, but really haven't given it a full workout.

Don't know if that helps...

Thu, 05/03/2001 - 06:10 Permalink