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Submitted by anonymous on

I have two Elvis mics Shure 55C and 55b and Voice Box. I can not get enough gain out of them for thelife of me. the 55C is 100.000 ohms. Should I get some sort of impedence converter? How does this work?



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100,000 ohms really? Probably more like 10k... Anyway, put a 1/4" plug on it and just plug it in the DI input of the VB. If you have to run a long cable run, like if the singer is on the other side of the glass plug it in a DI over there and then bring it in the mic input of the VB.

It's basically a high-impedance instrument-type signal and needs to be treated as such. ;) :w:

Sat, 02/16/2002 - 23:13 Permalink