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Basic Acoustic Guitar Recording

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Submitted by rwogh on

I have a basic question about recording acoustic guitar.

I have a Digi 003 Rack, MXL 990 compressor mic, and Shure 57 dynamic mic, and a newly acquired Breedlove C25/CR.

Of course the answer is "it depends" or "whatever sounds good", but I'm wondering what some good starting points are for mic placement and setup.

When experimenting, I can't get to seem to get a nice clear signal that is also loud enough. Either the mic picks up too much string rattle or distorts -or- it sounds too airy and distant.

Please advise on mic placement, distance, and orientation. I'm up for the idea of a new mic as well if it would help. I am also thinking about recording a direct feed and Micing an amp. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in advance,

