Hi, how do you audio mixdown from Cubase without losing all of the Eq settings you've used? or is there another way to get a MP3, WAV etc. out of Cubase ?
If you trying to open up the Mp3/Wav in Cubase you are not going to get your EQ etc. settings because that file format will not save settings like EQ, effects, and automation.
You have to open/save in the native cubase file format.
I dont use Cubase, so unless "mixdown" has a specific function inside that software all you want to do is render/export to some audio format so you can burn a cd.
Should be very straightforward if you read the manual.
Some people seem to have the manual "excluded" from their "version" of software. At any rate what I think was meant is that all the eq and effects are in the final exported mix but the data is not there. That is, you can't import a mixed down file into cubase and then expect to start tweaking where you left off. All you will get is a single stereo audio file as it was mixed.
Thanks, and my "version" does have a manual ! i think i get what your trying to imply.
What im saying is, that i record the track, add Eq and whatever else to it. then when im ready to try and put it onto a CD or into Itunes, i audio mixdown the track. but it loses its Eq and other settings added to it and sounds completly differnt to what it did on cubase..
So, what version of cubase is it? Because, they do differ from version to version. That might help to trouble shoot. You want info, you have to give some.
What file format are you exporting to? Did you do some automation and forget to enable the read button? I'm not sure why this would happen. There aren't that many options to exporting. I would just check and make sure that all of the options you have enabled are the ones that you want. Also some saturation type plugins will sound different once mixed. I don't know about magneto per se but some of the other tape emulation plugins(specifically the free ones) don't sound good in the master section. On individual tracks their fine but they tend to muddy up the mix. Have you updated your software? Have you tried at http://cubase.net ? That's the official forum after all. You just need your serial number or usb key number to register.
Mp3 . oh right..sorry ive caused alot of confusiong
so for people who use cubase, add Eq and other stuff to it how do they get it to MP3 or onto CD without losing the Eq settings. because thats whats happening. i record with the Eq settings, Audio mixdown, then i listen to it and tthe Eq settings are gone....
thanks for the help ive got anyway. and i will try out that cubase forum
First of all. Why? Why are you mixing down to MP3 if you are planning to burn a cd? When I do an export, my file sound exactly the way I mixed them. That's how it should work. Mind you, I don't mix down to mp3.
I could've posted from the manual too but I was hoping guitar10 would go and register over at cubase.net . Also, anyone owning a $600.00+ piece of software should take the time to read the damn manual. Spoon-feeding people doesn't help them to learn.
im sorry ! i have other things to do than read a 300+page manual.. like school... and yep, i dont know anything, so i came here hoping to learn some stuff from people who have more knoledge and experience. and i have been helped. alot ! and thankyou demetedchord for puting that information there for me. and thanks hueseph for your infomation.
dementedchord: Yeah. I was overreacting. I admit it and I appologize.
guitar10: You don't have to read the whole manual at once. Being in school you should know that most books have an index. In the index you can look for keywords like Exporting or Mixdown. Low and behold there you will find the page number if not a link if you are using the PDF to the info that you need. It's not rocket science. And, yes I do find it difficult to believe that you are using a legal version. I'm a skeptic. Either way I think you are getting the info that you need. If it's legit then registering at cubase.net is something you need to do. That is where the best cubase specific info will be found. Also a place where you will find that many may be having similar issues and likely have had them resolved.
Yes this is a recording forum and yes, someone may have an answer for you but why not go to the source for the information that they have the goods on? Support teams are useless only when you chose not to use them(or in some cases where they simply don't have the answer but that's another story.) My experience with Steinberg support has been very good at times and awful other times. I figure, I paid for the support, I'm going to make them work for it. That's why they're there.
I would guess that at least 80% of the software in use out there is cracked. Especially where music is involved. At another cubase forum that I frequent, not to mention homerecording.com, these sites are rife with people who would openly admit that they use warez. They even claim it as a right and want to justify it because of the "exhorbitant" software prices. Well that's a load.
These people want answers to their questions about software that is well over their heads when they could go out and buy a decent sound card. One designed for audio recording and get a lite version of whatever software for free. If that isn't good enough there are lower end version of these software for little more than $100.00. If you can afford a computer and the high speed connection to download warez. You can certainly afford to save a buck for legal software. Manual and tech support included!
Why do I suspect that yours is illegal? Because of all things you had to ask about one of the most basic functions in Cubase. Something that would be covered in the Quick Start Guide. Which if you had it you would realize is not 300+ pages. Not 300+ english pages anyway. Stuff like that is a bedtime story compared to the real manual.
Also I have to question the legality because, here you are a student.(High school or ?)And, yet your spending your money on recording software. Or did your parents go and blow $400-500 on discounted software for your Xmas present? I don't know too many people that get that kind of money blown on them for gifts.
Regardless. Maybe you did get it as a gift. If that's the case, then it doesn't surprise me that you want this info spoon fed to you. Some things in life require effort. Better learn that lesson now cause once you get out of school, it'll be the harsh reality you'll have to face.
The basics are covered in the manual. There's some of the more detailed stuff that can seem a little more esoteric and approaches to different ends can vary in solutions. For the most part though, there's nothing that can't be learned from using the index of the manual.
So, have you finally registered at cubase.net? That would indeed shut me up, because you need a legal version to register.
I hope you didn't get your software from one of these online stores that have been spamming me. I'm hoping the SIIA will shut them down.
*cough* *cough* - hueseph don't kill me uh - but.. may I underline a thing? cubase.net is NOT a support forum (this is clearly stated in the guidelines of the board itself): the support has to be erogated by the reseller/retailer. :)
Technically it's not a support forum but why do people go there? Support. There's few places to get support. Steinberg's online faq, Steinberg's reseller phone support, online email support and cubase.net . If you can't get it from the first three, your best bet is cubase.net. At any rate, I just want to know that someone with a registerable product is asking. Not some crack head.
sure sure, but admins often underlines that the cubase.net board is just a discussion place and not an official support forum; of course, many good people help each others, but this is remarked as "accidental".
I am only trying to clarify this just to avoid further misunderstaing from others readers :)
ok, 262 pages to be exact, and yer, maybe it is one of the most basic functions.. but im learning ! and whats so wrong with someone who goes to school having cubase ? maybe its to do with what im intrested, maybe its what i want to do for a job later in life. why are you getting so involved? why do you care? its none of your buisness about why a secondary school kid has cubase softwaret.. and my dad brought it for me because its what im intrested in. i dont want it spoon fed, i know it involves research and learning things. but its slightly confusing sometimes. and im learning from scratch here. i want some help from people who are willing to give me help. which is what this forum is here for isnt it ?? so why dont you stop having a go at me for not knowing 'basic' things about cubase, which isnt a basic program in my opinion and critising me of having cracked software, you dont know anything !. and bedtime reading ?! yer a story might be, a novel yer, but this you have to read, and understand and then be able to put it into practice. its the people like you who put people off coming onto forums looking for help, they just get there head bitten off by some jerk who thinks he knows everything.
relax...unlax... hell i dont care exlax... but chill dude... and i dont mean hueseph... his concerns are mine as well... i pay more for my legit copy and have to put up with things like repeated dongle calls because of pirates... and it pisses me off as well... and if you had asked in say june instead of jan i might have given a responce closer to his than my original... and if you think for one second i wont participate in a flame war... well ask remy or kev or for that matter hueseph.... they have removed me from more than one throat around here....
as remy once said...
"ya put the lime in the coconut an ya drink em bo...."
If you have an external cd burner, you can accomplish this with no problems. After recording all tracks I then rebus them to the digital outs of the sound card to the digital ins of my cd recorder. The analog outs of the cd recorder take care of the monitoring. So as you tweak and adjust anything within cubase/nuendo, you're hearing it (of course) in real time and once you've got your desired settings, start burning. I guaranty you'll get an exact replica of what you heard in the initial mix.
I've been there, done that too hue & I agree with you 100%. That's why I master from outside of the box, but keep the audio stream all digital. As a matter of fact, I can make my sony cdr/w33 act as a sound card just by hitting the record button without a cdr being loaded in its tray. But to make it act like that, it has to have an incoming digital signal, then the display states it's going through the "DA" converters. In the main mixer section of cubase/nuendo, you have to activate and bus all of the audio tracks to the digital out bus. That's the only way this will work. I found this out by experimenting one day and have never mastered any other way since. I do the same thing with my other mastering programs, ie: sound forge 8.0, wavelab & etc. Once the cd is burnt, the mastered wave file is converted to whatever format I choose (using other converting programs of course).
why you should lose settings?? the audio mixdown will include ev
why you should lose settings?? the audio mixdown will include everything...
If you trying to open up the Mp3/Wav in Cubase you are not going
If you trying to open up the Mp3/Wav in Cubase you are not going to get your EQ etc. settings because that file format will not save settings like EQ, effects, and automation.
You have to open/save in the native cubase file format.
But thats not very good ! how do you get the tracks onto CD or i
But thats not very good ! how do you get the tracks onto CD or into your media player if you cant do that ?
huh? I dont use Cubase, so unless "mixdown" has a specific funct
I dont use Cubase, so unless "mixdown" has a specific function inside that software all you want to do is render/export to some audio format so you can burn a cd.
Should be very straightforward if you read the manual.
Some people seem to have the manual "excluded" from their "versi
Some people seem to have the manual "excluded" from their "version" of software. At any rate what I think was meant is that all the eq and effects are in the final exported mix but the data is not there. That is, you can't import a mixed down file into cubase and then expect to start tweaking where you left off. All you will get is a single stereo audio file as it was mixed.
Thanks, and my "version" does have a manual ! i think i get what
Thanks, and my "version" does have a manual ! i think i get what your trying to imply.
What im saying is, that i record the track, add Eq and whatever else to it. then when im ready to try and put it onto a CD or into Itunes, i audio mixdown the track. but it loses its Eq and other settings added to it and sounds completly differnt to what it did on cubase..
thanks for all the help anyway
So, what version of cubase is it? Because, they do differ from v
So, what version of cubase is it? Because, they do differ from version to version. That might help to trouble shoot. You want info, you have to give some.
Sorry:( its Cubase SX3
Sorry:( its Cubase SX3
What file format are you exporting to? Did you do some automatio
What file format are you exporting to? Did you do some automation and forget to enable the read button? I'm not sure why this would happen. There aren't that many options to exporting. I would just check and make sure that all of the options you have enabled are the ones that you want. Also some saturation type plugins will sound different once mixed. I don't know about magneto per se but some of the other tape emulation plugins(specifically the free ones) don't sound good in the master section. On individual tracks their fine but they tend to muddy up the mix. Have you updated your software? Have you tried at http://cubase.net ? That's the official forum after all. You just need your serial number or usb key number to register.
Mp3 . oh right..sorry ive caused alot of confusiong so for peop
Mp3 . oh right..sorry ive caused alot of confusiong
so for people who use cubase, add Eq and other stuff to it how do they get it to MP3 or onto CD without losing the Eq settings. because thats whats happening. i record with the Eq settings, Audio mixdown, then i listen to it and tthe Eq settings are gone....
thanks for the help ive got anyway. and i will try out that cubase forum
First of all. Why? Why are you mixing down to MP3 if you are pla
First of all. Why? Why are you mixing down to MP3 if you are planning to burn a cd? When I do an export, my file sound exactly the way I mixed them. That's how it should work. Mind you, I don't mix down to mp3.
Yeah. You might do better at http://cubase.net
from the C$ manual sx3 should be essentially the same.... Intro
from the C$ manual sx3 should be essentially the same....
The Export Audio Mixdown function in Cubase allows you
to mix down audio from the program to a file on your hard
disk, in a number of formats. You can choose to mix down
one of the following:
• An output bus.
For example, if you have set up a stereo mix with tracks routed to a stereo
output bus, mixing down that output bus would give you a mixdown file
containing the whole mix. Similarly, you can mix down a complete surround
bus, either to a single multi-channel file or to one file per surround
channel (activate the split channels option).
• The channel for an audio track (Cubase only).
This will mix down the channel for the track, complete with insert effects,
EQ, etc. This can be useful for turning a number of events into a single
file, or if you are using CPU-intensive insert effects – by exporting the
track and re-importing it into the project you can turn off the insert effect,
saving processor power.
• Any kind of audio channel in the mixer (Cubase only).
This includes VST Instrument channels, effect return channels (FX Channel
tracks), Group channels and ReWire channels. There are many uses
for this – for example, you can mix down an effect return track or turn individual
ReWire channels into audio files.
• The Export Audio Mixdown function mixes down the
area between the left and right locator.
• When you mix down, you get what you hear – mutes,
mixer settings and insert effects are taken into account.
Note though that you will only include the sound of the bus or channel
you select for mixdown.
• MIDI tracks are not included in the mixdown!
To make a complete mixdown containing both MIDI and audio, you first
need to record all your MIDI music to audio tracks (by connecting the
outputs of your MIDI instruments to your audio inputs and recording, as
with any other sound source).
• With Cubase, you can also export selected tracks – this
is a different function that doesn’t create an audio mixdown.
Rather, this is a way to transfer complete tracks (including clips and
events) from one project to another. See “Importing audio” on page 400.
Mixing down to an audio file
1. Set up the left and right locator to encompass the area
that you want to mix down.
2. Set up your tracks, so that they play back the way you
This includes muting unwanted tracks or parts, making manual mixer settings
and/or activating the R (Read) automation buttons for some or all
mixer channels.
3. Pull down the File menu and select “Audio Mixdown…”
from the Export submenu.
The Export Audio Mixdown dialog appears.
The available settings and options differ depending on the
selected file format (see “The available file formats” on
page 361).
4. Enter a name for the mixdown file in the File name field
and specify a path where you want the mixdown to be
saved. Alternatively, you can activate the option “Use
Project Audio Folder”.
This saves the mixdown file in the Project Audio folder.
Export Audio Mixdown
5. Select the bus or channel you want to mix down with
the Outputs pop-up menu.
This lists all output buses and channels in the active project.
6. Activate the Split Channels option, if you want to export
all channels as mono files.
7. Select a file format with the File Format pop-up menu.
8. Make additional settings for the file to be created.
This includes selecting sample rate, bit depth, etc. The available options
depend on the selected file format – see “The available file formats” on
page 361.
9. If you want to automatically import the resulting audio
file back into Cubase, activate the checkboxes in the “Import
to” section.
If you activate the “Pool” checkbox, a clip referring to the file will appear
in the Pool. Activating the “Audio Track” checkbox as well will create an
audio event that plays the clip, and place it on a new audio track, starting
at the left locator.
The Import options are only available if you have selected
an uncompressed file format.
10. If you activate Real-Time Export, the export will happen
in real time, i.e. the process will take the same time as regular
Some VST plug-ins require this to have time to update correctly during
the mixdown – consult the plug-in manufacturers if uncertain.
• Cubase: When Real-Time Export is activated, the exported
audio will be played back via the Control Room.
The fader below the Real-Time Export checkbox allows you to adjust the
Control Room volume. Note that if the Control Room is deactivated, the
Audition Volume slider will not be available
11. If you activate Update Display, the meters will be updated
during the export process.
This allows you to check for clipping, for example.
12. Click Export.
A dialog with a progress bar is displayed while the audio
file is created. If you change your mind during the file creation,
you can click the Abort button to abort the operation.
• If the option “Close dialog after export” is activated, the
dialog will be closed, otherwise it will be left open.
• If you have activated any of the “Import to” options, the
file will be imported back into the project.
When playing back the re-imported file in Cubase, remember to mute the
original tracks so that you really hear the correct file.
About the Import options dialog
When you activate any of the options in the Import section,
the Import Options dialog will open. For a detailed
description of the options in this dialog see “Import Medium...”
on page 233.
The available file formats
The following pages describe the different export file formats,
and their options and settings.
• AIFF files (see “AIFF files” on page 361).
• AIFC files (see “AIFC files” on page 362).
• Wave files (see “Wave files” on page 362).
• Wave 64 files (Cubase only, see “Wave64 files (Cubase
only)” on page 363).
• Broadcast Wave files (see “Broadcast Wave files” on page
• MP3 files (Cubase only, see “MPEG Layer 3 files (Cubase
only)” on page 363).
• Ogg Vorbis files (see “Ogg Vorbis files” on page 364).
• Windows Media Audio Pro files (Windows and Cubase only,
see “Windows Media Audio Pro files (Windows and Cubase
only)” on page 364).
I could've posted from the manual too but I was hoping guitar10
I could've posted from the manual too but I was hoping guitar10 would go and register over at cubase.net . Also, anyone owning a $600.00+ piece of software should take the time to read the damn manual. Spoon-feeding people doesn't help them to learn.
understood... i'll try to keep that in mind... just figured it
understood... i'll try to keep that in mind... just figured it was part of the post christmas crap...
im sorry ! i have other things to do than read a 300+page manual
im sorry ! i have other things to do than read a 300+page manual.. like school... and yep, i dont know anything, so i came here hoping to learn some stuff from people who have more knoledge and experience. and i have been helped. alot ! and thankyou demetedchord for puting that information there for me. and thanks hueseph for your infomation.
dementedchord: Yeah. I was overreacting. I admit it and I appolo
dementedchord: Yeah. I was overreacting. I admit it and I appologize.
guitar10: You don't have to read the whole manual at once. Being in school you should know that most books have an index. In the index you can look for keywords like Exporting or Mixdown. Low and behold there you will find the page number if not a link if you are using the PDF to the info that you need. It's not rocket science. And, yes I do find it difficult to believe that you are using a legal version. I'm a skeptic. Either way I think you are getting the info that you need. If it's legit then registering at cubase.net is something you need to do. That is where the best cubase specific info will be found. Also a place where you will find that many may be having similar issues and likely have had them resolved.
Yes this is a recording forum and yes, someone may have an answer for you but why not go to the source for the information that they have the goods on? Support teams are useless only when you chose not to use them(or in some cases where they simply don't have the answer but that's another story.) My experience with Steinberg support has been very good at times and awful other times. I figure, I paid for the support, I'm going to make them work for it. That's why they're there.
Thankyou..what makes you think that it not legal if may ask ?
Thankyou..what makes you think that it not legal if may ask ?
I would guess that at least 80% of the software in use out there
I would guess that at least 80% of the software in use out there is cracked. Especially where music is involved. At another cubase forum that I frequent, not to mention homerecording.com, these sites are rife with people who would openly admit that they use warez. They even claim it as a right and want to justify it because of the "exhorbitant" software prices. Well that's a load.
These people want answers to their questions about software that is well over their heads when they could go out and buy a decent sound card. One designed for audio recording and get a lite version of whatever software for free. If that isn't good enough there are lower end version of these software for little more than $100.00. If you can afford a computer and the high speed connection to download warez. You can certainly afford to save a buck for legal software. Manual and tech support included!
Why do I suspect that yours is illegal? Because of all things you had to ask about one of the most basic functions in Cubase. Something that would be covered in the Quick Start Guide. Which if you had it you would realize is not 300+ pages. Not 300+ english pages anyway. Stuff like that is a bedtime story compared to the real manual.
Also I have to question the legality because, here you are a student.(High school or ?)And, yet your spending your money on recording software. Or did your parents go and blow $400-500 on discounted software for your Xmas present? I don't know too many people that get that kind of money blown on them for gifts.
Regardless. Maybe you did get it as a gift. If that's the case, then it doesn't surprise me that you want this info spoon fed to you. Some things in life require effort. Better learn that lesson now cause once you get out of school, it'll be the harsh reality you'll have to face.
The basics are covered in the manual. There's some of the more detailed stuff that can seem a little more esoteric and approaches to different ends can vary in solutions. For the most part though, there's nothing that can't be learned from using the index of the manual.
So, have you finally registered at cubase.net? That would indeed shut me up, because you need a legal version to register.
I hope you didn't get your software from one of these online stores that have been spamming me. I'm hoping the SIIA will shut them down.
*cough* *cough* - hueseph don't kill me uh - but.. may I underl
*cough* *cough* - hueseph don't kill me uh - but.. may I underline a thing? cubase.net is NOT a support forum (this is clearly stated in the guidelines of the board itself): the support has to be erogated by the reseller/retailer. :)
Technically it's not a support forum but why do people go there?
Technically it's not a support forum but why do people go there? Support. There's few places to get support. Steinberg's online faq, Steinberg's reseller phone support, online email support and cubase.net . If you can't get it from the first three, your best bet is cubase.net. At any rate, I just want to know that someone with a registerable product is asking. Not some crack head.
sure sure, but admins often underlines that the cubase.net board
sure sure, but admins often underlines that the cubase.net board is just a discussion place and not an official support forum; of course, many good people help each others, but this is remarked as "accidental".
I am only trying to clarify this just to avoid further misunderstaing from others readers :)
ok, 262 pages to be exact, and yer, maybe it is one of the most
ok, 262 pages to be exact, and yer, maybe it is one of the most basic functions.. but im learning ! and whats so wrong with someone who goes to school having cubase ? maybe its to do with what im intrested, maybe its what i want to do for a job later in life. why are you getting so involved? why do you care? its none of your buisness about why a secondary school kid has cubase softwaret.. and my dad brought it for me because its what im intrested in. i dont want it spoon fed, i know it involves research and learning things. but its slightly confusing sometimes. and im learning from scratch here. i want some help from people who are willing to give me help. which is what this forum is here for isnt it ?? so why dont you stop having a go at me for not knowing 'basic' things about cubase, which isnt a basic program in my opinion and critising me of having cracked software, you dont know anything !. and bedtime reading ?! yer a story might be, a novel yer, but this you have to read, and understand and then be able to put it into practice. its the people like you who put people off coming onto forums looking for help, they just get there head bitten off by some jerk who thinks he knows everything.
Thanks for the help anyway..
relax...unlax... hell i dont care exlax... but chill dude... and
relax...unlax... hell i dont care exlax... but chill dude... and i dont mean hueseph... his concerns are mine as well... i pay more for my legit copy and have to put up with things like repeated dongle calls because of pirates... and it pisses me off as well... and if you had asked in say june instead of jan i might have given a responce closer to his than my original... and if you think for one second i wont participate in a flame war... well ask remy or kev or for that matter hueseph.... they have removed me from more than one throat around here....
as remy once said...
"ya put the lime in the coconut an ya drink em bo...."
All is good. guitar10 I just want to ask how that cubase.net reg
All is good. guitar10 I just want to ask how that cubase.net registration is going. I hope. I sincerely hope to see you over there.
Back to the origial topic. I don't know SX3, but i know in other
Back to the origial topic.
I don't know SX3, but i know in other tracking programs the final mixdown attenuates -10db give or take.
Are you experiencing a loss of volume or really your EQ and effects are not present?
If you have an external cd burner, you can accomplish this with
If you have an external cd burner, you can accomplish this with no problems. After recording all tracks I then rebus them to the digital outs of the sound card to the digital ins of my cd recorder. The analog outs of the cd recorder take care of the monitoring. So as you tweak and adjust anything within cubase/nuendo, you're hearing it (of course) in real time and once you've got your desired settings, start burning. I guaranty you'll get an exact replica of what you heard in the initial mix.
Dudes the problem is he's exporting to mp3 directly from Cubase
Dudes the problem is he's exporting to mp3 directly from Cubase. I've never been able to make it sound good this way.
I've been there, done that too hue & I agree with you 100%. That
I've been there, done that too hue & I agree with you 100%. That's why I master from outside of the box, but keep the audio stream all digital. As a matter of fact, I can make my sony cdr/w33 act as a sound card just by hitting the record button without a cdr being loaded in its tray. But to make it act like that, it has to have an incoming digital signal, then the display states it's going through the "DA" converters. In the main mixer section of cubase/nuendo, you have to activate and bus all of the audio tracks to the digital out bus. That's the only way this will work. I found this out by experimenting one day and have never mastered any other way since. I do the same thing with my other mastering programs, ie: sound forge 8.0, wavelab & etc. Once the cd is burnt, the mastered wave file is converted to whatever format I choose (using other converting programs of course).
Thanks for all the help, and i think it is because its to mp3. i
Thanks for all the help, and i think it is because its to mp3. i tried WAV. and it worked alot better !
Thanks for all the help everyone
and sorry for arguing with hueseph.. it got on my nerves a bit