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Is there anything that do this?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I want to combine a couple of monitor systems to one or more recording setup.

My demands: 2 or 3 fullrange outputs with switches.

Volume controls would be nice to adjust volume betrween subs and "tops"(couldn't find the right word)

Then it would be very nice to be able to have different inputs so i couldswitch between the recording unit, CD player...

Now do any of you guys know anything that does this, a rack unit if possible.


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Check out this: [url=(dead link removed)[/url]

I've been using it now for a couple a months & it works great. You're able to have 4 stereo input sources and 3 stereo output sources. You may want to get the M3PH, which has a stepped passive attenuator instead of the M3A which has a potentiometer - it gives a bit better quality output. I'm really happy with it.

Good Luck


Thu, 03/14/2002 - 11:26 Permalink