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song coming through bass track.

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Submitted by ScruffMcduff on Sun, 09/02/2012 - 01:40

Okay so i realize that i probably should not have the monitors up that load when recording Direct in bass because I can hear the song come through and it is causing problems with my mix. I'm having some crackling and other issues. I have Izotope RX2 and i'm wondering if there is anyway of getting rid of the background song withough ruining the bass track, or without having to re record. any suggestions I need help.



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ScruffMcduff, post: 393070 wrote: ....should not have the monitors up that load when recording Direct in bass because I can hear the song come through and it is causing problems with my mix.

I don't understand what you've done. If you were recording "Direct in bass", monitors wouldn't affect anything. There's no microphone to pick up the sound from the monitors. Unless, you have your bass pickups a few inches from the cones of blasting speakers and that's getting something can anything be picked up?

If you are using a mic (plus direct), don't use blasting monitors. Use headphones so the mic won't have anything but the bass speaker (and any ambient noise) to pick up.

Maybe you should be a bit more specific? I suspect some other odd issue.


Sun, 09/02/2012 - 03:15 Permalink
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ScruffMcduff, post: 393074 wrote: No it was just direct in. I was under the assumption that that could be the issue.

Well, stated, if it was direct (no mics) the matter what volume short of nuclear blast...shouldn't have gotten into the bass track.

I suspect a DAW routing assignment problem, where the bass got overlaid to the existing tracks, or the existing tracks played into the bass track. Or if you have something like "What You Hear" enabled on a Soundblaster-type card?

Please be more specific by listing your recording interface (outboard/soundcard/etc.), computer type and software? That will help more than you may imagine, and may solve your problem much faster.


Sun, 09/02/2012 - 03:57 Permalink
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Okay so i've a couple of differen't interface the first one. M-audio usb fast Track I used that for a while until a friend let me borrow some of his equipment. after that I used emu 1212m pci sound card with the behringer ultra gain pro 8 digital. I will also state for this song and a couple of other that I was using ableton live 8 then rendered the tracks individual and transfered them over to Reaper which I am currently and will continue to use.

Sun, 09/02/2012 - 04:13 Permalink
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BTW...I know this doesn't "fix" your problem with cleaning up the existing recording. I suspect you're stuck with it as is. There is no elegant way to remove everything but the bass you want to keep. If you just nuke everything between every bass note, the background will still be with the bass note, and add to the original, making it jump in volume at those places, or phasing out, whatever.

Trying to do a wide...or even narrow...spectrum noise removal is going to be nearly impossible, because it's likely some frequencies overlap. If you try to remove this frequency, it may catch some of the bass, also. That frequency, the same thing. If there is a lot of music in the background, you'll never target everything, without removing some bass, or leaving some background. Especially, if the bass is busy, and/or covering a wide range. I think you're probably stuck with the prospect of having to re-record it. As long as you have the original backing track, you should be able to perform the thing again. Who knows? You may even like the new performance better?

No, my goal is to help you find out why this happened in the first place, and try to help you prevent it from happening again. That way, any time you nail "the perfect take", you won't be surprised with an unusable track, and lose it.

Also, this may not be ALL that is happening. That other noise (crackles, etc) could be something else that needs to be addressed AFTER you figure out why you are "overdubbing" one track onto another, instead of recording them isolated from each other.

Kapt. Krunch

Sun, 09/02/2012 - 04:16 Permalink
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Check all your software send and return routings. Make sure you are not sending the already-recorded track(s) into the Record-enabled track.

Emu=Soundblaster=Creative Labs. They often have some weird and annoying default settings to change. If you have 'Emu" or "Creative Labs"-specific Control Panel-type software for that card, open that up, and poke around. That may force things to do things you can't see, no matter how you set your recording software.

You have to have any proprietary software for the card set up properly (if there is any) before you set recording software parameters. And, you have to realize what the routing scenarios do in that software as it relates to your hardware.

I suspect there's a setting somewhere that needs changed that will prevent what happened, but you'll have to do a little detective work, open up some control panel-type stuff, and see if you can find anything in the manuals.

It's probably simple, once you find it. Play around, and if you find anything that lights a bulb over your head...but you are nervous about it...go ahead and ask.


Sun, 09/02/2012 - 04:58 Permalink
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If the bleed is clear then I would suspect a routing problem. If the bleed is muffled sounding then it's possible it came through the pickup. I recently tracked some guitars through DIs while they monitored through PA speakers. The single coil pickups on a vintage Tele did pick up some of the noise from the room. I don't know if it was acoustic (making the strings vibrate sympathetically) or inductive (pickups reacting to voice coil fields) but it was definitely there.

Sun, 09/02/2012 - 08:52 Permalink
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bouldersound, post: 393085 wrote: I recently tracked some guitars through DIs while they monitored through PA speakers. The single coil pickups on a vintage Tele did pick up some of the noise from the room. I don't know if it was acoustic (making the strings vibrate sympathetically) or inductive (pickups reacting to voice coil fields) but it was definitely there.

Kurt Foster wrote: I had a '65 tele and the pick ups WERE very microphonic.

Man...that's some serious sensitivity! I've never seen that, though you all may have done a whole lot more recording. And, I've played the tracks back through a paint-peeling blasting PA while recording a DI'ed bass, with the bass going through a blasting Acme Low-B4 cab powered with an Ampeg preamp and 1200W Crown!

bouldersound, post: 393085 wrote: If the bleed is clear then I would suspect a routing problem. If the bleed is muffled sounding then it's possible it came through the pickup.

Either is possible. If the bleed is small (which may even appear to muffle it, in comparison to the bass, and being limited in the resolution from such a small signal), it still could be routing, depending on how much signal is sent to the record-enabled track through any of the various means it may get there.

If it's actually picking up (high) frequencies out of the range of the bass, are those frequencies higher than a bass pickup might be able to pick up, or higher than the EQ settings (on the guitar, and/or in the preamp) he may have been using could possibly account for? Was his bass guitar tone knob rolled back? Etc.? That may be another clue?


Mon, 09/03/2012 - 01:04 Permalink
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You mentioned the Behringer mixer.

Are you running the bass guitar through the Behringer, to the EMU, and then running the EMU back through the Behringer and then to your monitors?

Or, are you running the bass directly to the EMU, and using the Behringer for monitoring the EMU, only (the recorded tracks, and tracks being recorded)? are you using all this? If you are doing the first scenario, you may be looping the EMU out back into the EMU in through the mixer, mixed somehow with the bass.


Mon, 09/03/2012 - 02:49 Permalink