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Hi, I'm new to recording. I just purchased these mic stands MICROPHONE STAND-25900-300-55

Im not sure if they are tall enough for acoustic guitar recording. Have i bought the wrong type of mic stand?



moonbaby Tue, 09/03/2013 - 15:29

Well, to address the question: Probably not, but...
That stand is designed to mic up drums, guitar amps, other sources that are low to the ground. You MAY be able to get the boom arm up high enough to position it where you need to for acoustic guitar. I use Atlas MS-25 stands with a boom arm attached, they never slip or fail. K&M is good gear, even if you need to get a taller stand, that one you have will come in handy at some point.

sdelsolray Sat, 09/07/2013 - 10:01

Bono, post: 407128 wrote: Hi, im new to recording. I just purchased these mic stands MICROPHONE STAND-25900-300-55

Im not sure if they are tall enough for acoustic guitar recording. Have i bought the wrong type of mic stand?


If you are sitting down while recording that mic stand will work well. If you are standing, you might have to adjust the boom nearly vertical to reach the proper height.
