Sebatron ,
That is a cool thing to do and I want to thank you for running this promotion. I would like to respectfully submit that all RO moderators and their families are ineligible to participate, so that the members will all have a better chance at winning. Kurt
OK here goes The answers are..... 1: A 1957 Morris Minor 2: N
OK here goes
The answers are.....
1: A 1957 Morris Minor
2: Norman Gunston
3: B flat
4: 1 but only if it wants to change
5: A Duck
6: C
7: Blue
8: The land of Bonnydoon
9: 100 Ohm
10: Romeo and Juliet were goldfish
11: Four
12: Cream
Thats 12 in a row, do I win?
Well it was worth a try ;)
Man, I'd like to take part in this (I'm a really good searcher).
Man, I'd like to take part in this (I'm a really good searcher)... But until I'm finished with my college summer course in two weeks (studying electronics :) ), I won't be able to live on the computer like I usually do. :(
You picked a really bad time to have this competition... :p
I resign! :D David
I resign! :D David