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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 09/10/2001 - 23:01


I am looking for a high quality Mic/Mic Preamp Combo for a very important recording early next year. As a microphone I will most likely go for a Brauner Valvet. I recently heard a lot of good things about the Ridge Farm Gas Cooker Preamp.

Anyone used it? Opinions?

Thanks and best to you.




There are a hundred great pre's on the market, and they're all a little different from each other. Not alot different, but a little, though sometimes it's the 'little things' that make all the difference.

If you're sold on the 'Valvet', then I would recommend that you bring that mic, and if possible, the 'source' you are recording, and go 'mic-pre shopping'.

You may find one that couples very nicely with the Valvet and the 'source' may or may not be the 'Gas Cooker', only you will know for sure.

Tue, 09/11/2001 - 03:55 Permalink

If you have loud sources like direct brass, or use it for a drum-mic, the Gascoocker gives a good micpre with nice tube characteristics, for soft sources, it lacks a bit of gain IMO.
I would use it for a "special sound" - not for HIFI Stereo M/S recordings.

...and you will certainly use it as your DI for bass


Wed, 09/12/2001 - 17:59 Permalink