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Salutations from Raymond Meyer (aka Harpstack)

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Submitted by Raymond on

This is actually not my first posting. I tried, once before to post an entry for the community in general. Fortunately for me, my first post was as a response to Chris' welcoming words upon my entry as a newly accepted member of This is now, my second and hopefully successful attempt at addressing this community at large. It seems, I have a lot to learn ! First, I have to learn how to use this site. Second, it is my enthusiastic hope that I have embarked upon a journey of adventure into "lands unknown" to me.

I wish to thank Chris for his warm and rapid welcome into this community. I discovered via a search for information concerning a specific piece of audio equipment. Upon browsing and perusing within this site, I quickly recognized a sense of honor, dignity, respect, and willful kindness amongst the members of whom I have had the pleasure of eavesdropping upon in their conversations. I also noticed a level of skillful knowledge, all of which is shared without condescension or belittlment as I have witnessed within some of the more "slutty" sites. I have also noticed great diversity as the membership appears to be practically worldwide. I embrace diversity by my very nature and it is pleasing to see such. I am honored to be accepted into this community.

Please allow me to offer some biographical info. I am 54 years young and the vocation which pays my bills is painting of commercial and residential types. My real passion is all things music ! Classical music and contemporary "easy listening" music was the dominant genre which was found in my Father's house. I went to work with my uncles during the summers starting at 13 y/o. That was in the mid 70's. My uncles and aunts were of the "hippy" persuasion and so I was exposed to a lot of rock, soul, pop, and blues that I was not exposed to in my own household. I got my first guitar when I was fourteen and my first harmonica when I was 15. There, is a story that I would love to tell at another time. When I was just a couple of months post my 17th birthday, I left for Ft Jackson SC to become an Army Medic.

Music and writing of poetry was a major fascination as long as I can remember. My first poem to "published" was done so in my Grandmother's church newsletter. By now, it should be evident that I am driven to write. So, I wish to offer my one and only apology for being such a long winded writer. I cannot help myself, it is who I am. I can however assure you that not all of my postings will be so long. I look forward to the future of getting down to business and learning everything that any of you can teach me when it comes to all things recording. After all, that is why I sought out to join this community.

While I was in the Army, I had money of my own that I could spend. And I did. I spent most of my money acquiring audio equipment in search of the greatest stereo I could afford. I did a lot of research and became very familiar with a glossary of terms which relate to audio equipment. I must say, I had a very nice system which included the top of the line versions of Teac and Akai tape decks. This occurred while I was in Germany and the military post exchanges overseas sold much which was not even sold in the US market easily. But, being in the military, the stuff was "duty free" and much, much less expensive than it was sold for here stateside. I also bought my first mixing board while there. I was a hit amongst the musicians in the barracks as we would often get together and record our drunken medleys onto tape. Even to this day, I have a special love for tape. However, I have come to appreciate the digital realm as well. During those days of fanciful youth, I dreamed of being a recording engineer even more so than I was inspired to play instruments. But, performance did come in a very close second. Life moved on, I got out of the Army and so I went back to work with my uncles again as a house painter. My youthful fancy of being a recording engineer was replaced by the fact that I already knew how to paint and it paid my bills. Forty years later, my back is eaten up with degenerative disc disease and I know that I should be applying for disability soon. But, I still have this passion for music. I've played in bands over the years off and on and wouldn't you know it, I've always been the one elected to "tune" the stage and the equipment. I've gathered some recording equipment over the last ten years and I suppose you might say I have a pretty decent home recording setup now. I don't have everything I want, but I do have the basics. Yes, I have a Tascam 2340 tape deck and a pair of dbx NR units to go with it. I also have a handful of mics, my best ones being a RODE K2 and a couple of Shure SM81's. I also have digital capabilities with a MBP running Logic X and a Focusrite Safire Pro 40 feeding it. There are too many other sundry things to mention at this time. I am most lacking in having a good room to record in. But, I am also trying to approach recording as a mobile concept. When the time comes that I can no longer climb ladders, it is my hope to make a little money doing something I love.

That brings me full circle as to why I would even seek to join a community such as In fact, I have no membership in any other community at this time. From what I can see, there is a wealth of information here that I don't need to look elsewhere.

The reasons why I went into such detail concerning a bio is because I want it to be clear my level of knowledge in this field. I am sure I have a plethora of questions which most of you will find elementary. It is my hope that you will not find my novice level to be annoying. It is my hope that I will find patience and kindness. I do think my hope is well founded according to decorum which I have already witnessed.

I have a favorite "blessing" (if you choose to call it such). I often close letters and correspondence with it. I tend to abbreviate it as "MPBWY". That meaning; May Peace Be With You. If you have read this far, I am very grateful that you took the time to do so. I look forward to a learning adventure and maybe, just maybe, I can contribute something of value as well.

I thank you all. MPBWY


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Thank you ALL, for the warm welcome !

Last evening, after I composed my post, I read a couple of old threads. One in particular was of great interest. I did have something to say, but it was an old thread from 2014 and I felt that I was out of my league upon that topic. The topic was concerning timing delays of sound travel and phasing. I wish that I knew how to "mark" it so that I could revisit it again. It was a very technical conversation which I would require reading more than once in order to fully comprehend the subject. Oh, I was "tickled to death" to have found something which stimulated my mind as it did. I must say, the conversation did demonstrate a passion amongst the OP and subsequent commentary. More than once, I saw the phrase, "I respectfully disagree". I am inspired to see such passion which approached the subject from differing viewpoints. All of which, was very informative. That's what I'm "talkin' about" ! I love it ! There is an old saying which declares there are three different truths. My truth, your truth, and somewhere in the middle is the real truth. Such passion not only reveals that there is "more than one way to skin a cat", it makes the topic entertaining as well.

I thank you again for the "Welcome Matt being rolled out and I enthusiastically look forward to my impending education.

MPBWY, Raymond

Mon, 08/07/2017 - 12:04 Permalink
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Cheers Ray! Glad to have you onboard. RO has been a wonderful resource professionally and even personally at times. It's a great bunch of people around here. I enjoy the ability to escape into this world without the stress and judgements of the 'real' world, and there's several people whom are about as close to friends as it gets from halfway across the globe. I'm convinced RO is good therepy, and there have been very few, if any, of my questions or problems that haven't had solid, and genuine feedback from other members. Even the ones that stray a bit from actual recording, into other areas. Long live RO!!

Thu, 08/10/2017 - 21:59 Permalink