I can't source an old part,transistor fet dual, LS844-SOIC-8l, that is out of
a personus ADL 700, instrument input .
Does anyone know what could be used as an alternative .
Theres SFA info, and nowhere in Australia has that part,it is from 2000, so Im thinking, there must be
a newer part that does the same job .
I have shot an email to Linear Intergrated Systems in CA, no reply as yet .
Ok thanks Boswell (y) The guys at the electronics shop told me t
Ok thanks Boswell (y)
The guys at the electronics shop told me that the 5 dollar part would cost $170 to ship here .
That is the fedex price . So I had a look and pushed alternative carriers and USPS is $37 .
So tomorrow morning I will go and show them the alternate carrier button .
Still expensive as , but not much I can do about it , oh well:), Thats 5 beers .
Trendsetter Electronics in Round Rock, Texas, USA claims to have
Trendsetter Electronics in Round Rock, Texas, USA claims to have two of those [="https://www.trendsetter.com/contact-s/35406.htm"]parts [/]="https://www.trendse…"]parts [/]in stock.
Otherwise, there are [url=http://'http://www.allxref… that list alternative parts, but it would be up to you to verify that any alternative part would work in the Presonus product.