Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 18:16 I've never been very good at using drum samples... more of a loop guy. I was wondering if you could recommend some useful drum loop libraries for recording pop music similar to those artists mentioned in the subject line. Thanks! :) Tags drum loops loops drum Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar song4gabriel if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy wi if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy with spectrasonics stylus. Log in or register to post comments Thu, 01/03/2008 - 19:28 Permalink
Your Avatar song4gabriel if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy wi if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy with spectrasonics stylus. Log in or register to post comments Thu, 01/03/2008 - 19:28 Permalink
if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy wi
if you take sting out of the equation you will be very happy with spectrasonics stylus.