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I guess the Intel Prescott CPUs are about to be released. Does anyone know anything about them and what their advantage over the Northridge P4's besides the larger cache?

Also, what about mobo compatibility?


sserendipity Mon, 02/02/2004 - 10:25

Originally posted by Doublehelix:
I guess the Intel Prescott CPUs are about to be released. Does anyone know anything about them and what their advantage over the Northridge P4's besides the larger cache?

Also, what about mobo compatibility???

From the [=""]Tom's Hardware review[/]="http://www.tomshard…"]Tom's Hardware review[/], it looks like there are significant advantages to[[url=http://="http://www.tomshard…"] audio processing[/]="http://www.tomshard…"] audio processing[/] as long as[=""] hyperthreading is enabled[/]="http://www.tomshard…"] hyperthreading is enabled[/]. Notice in that second graph that the speed of the render is >slower< than an equivalent Northwood chip, when hyperthreading is not enabled.

It runs considerably hotter, and needs more power - the review says that [[url=http://="http://www.tomshard…"]some existing motherboards won't take it simply because they can't provide the juice it requires[/]="http://www.tomshard…"]some existing motherboards won't take it simply because they can't provide the juice it requires[/]. It's also less overclockable.

However the price is comparable to the Northwood chip. Cool.


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