10 Tips to help you stay creative with beat making by me
Hi, I worked on this for a while for my blog ( http://www.hip hop makers.com ) let me know what you think.
10 Tips to help you stay creative with beat making
1. Try out new sounds
Look online for free samples and VSTs. There are tons of websites where you can get free samples, and free virtual instruments. Spend a weekend downloading and organizing your new sounds, and try them out.
2. Listen to different music
Personally, in the past I had never liked rock music, but then I played Guitar Hero. Playing the bass in the game made me appreciate all the melodies, and variations upon those melodies. As I played I could only think about how I would have changed the song into a hip hop beat, using a lot of similar elements, but would have made it altogether different. So now, I listen to different types of music, not to sample, but to get inspired. Whether it’s the melody, or how they break down the verse and the hook. It’s all different from what I usually listen to, and this gives me lots of new ideas.
3. Seven minute switch
Sometimes I have the tendency to stick with a beat for 30 minutes, and the final result may be something I don’t like at all. So try this, make 3 to 4 beats, and only spend 7 minutes on each of them. For each one of your beats, try a different tempo, different sounds and different drum patterns. After you make the 4 beats, go back and focus on the one you see the most potential in. I say this, because a lot of the time, for me, the beat that I do very fast may not have all the elements I want in it yet, but it may have the right feeling I am looking for and can turn out very well.
4. Write lyrics first
Whether you are a rapper or a singer, (or even just a producer, because nowadays, a lot of beats are sold with hooks for rap songs, and rough draft vocals for R&B songs), try starting with the lyrics first. As your lyrics get laid out, the feeling of a beat should stand out to you, and give you ideas for the intro, hook, etc.
5. Do something different
Every once in a while, try to switch up your routine. If you don’t sample, sample! If you only use hardware, try out software and take advantage of all the resources out there. There are a million different ways to do what ever you’re doing now, but differently, and I’m saying give them a try. No one should ever be stuck in their ways, because the industry changes a lot, and you should be able to change with it.
6. Collaborate
Work with others, whether it’s a fellow producer or song writer/singer. Everyone I know loves music, and can provide input on a track. If the other person has an idea for a melody, play it out, or let them play it out and vibe off each other’s energy. This entire process can be fun and can be a learning experience. The other person may pick sounds you wouldn’t usually pick, but work around this, and push your self as a producer and make the track work.
7. Make some noises
I honestly feel that since I can’t play any instruments, my best instrument is my mouth. Humming is good for me because I can come up with endless melodies in my head. So I get an audio recorder or record directly into my computer, and hum the melody for a song. Then I attempt to remake it with my keyboard or software.
I would suggest recording yourself humming the beat before you try to start making it, because if you have that perfect melody in your head, you may hear a sound when you’re searching through your sound collections that may inspire an entirely new melody. This is good obviously, but you don’t want to lose your first idea either. So just record it, and you won’t have to worry about this.
8. Watch Youtube (Or any other video site)
Youtube.com has millions of producers out there just like you. With more or less knowledge. Watch them, learn from their mistakes, and learn from their skills. This should be a big source of inspiration, because online you will see all types of people across the world using different equipment and utilizing different techniques.
9. Remake professional beats
Test your skills and remake a song you hear on the radio. Put yourself in the producer’s head, and figure out how they got that certain sound and that certain feel. In the long run, this will make you more versatile, because when an artist asks for this producer’s type of sound, you’ll be able to provide them with something similar, but also to add your own style.
10. Learn a musical instrument
This is probably one of the most beneficial things that you can do as a producer. But it’s probably the hardest thing on this list. It takes time and patience, but when you take some time to learn some chords and train your ears, the possibilities are endless.
If hip hop makers learned to play an instrument, they wouldn't m
If hip hop makers learned to play an instrument, they wouldn't make hip hop.
I tried doing hip hop once. It was for an Easter song.
I tried doing hip hop once. It was for an Easter song.
For the most part, the most useful instruments useful for a hip-
For the most part, the most useful instruments useful for a hip-hop artist to know are keyboard or drums.
And a producer shouldn't be writing parts. As soon as you write a piece of the music, you become an artist. And I wouldn't blame a producer for demanding points for that song if they wrote anything more than a revision of a part on it. Producer are supposed to help achieve an artist's desired sound.
markusv3000 wrote: 3. Seven minute switch Sometimes I have the
30 MINUTES of one Hip-hop beat?! :shock: YIKES! Even seven minutes would turn my brain to yellow matter custard!
You DO seem to have some willingness to expand your influences, which is never a bad thing in music...so cool 8-) As much as I can't listen to much Rap or Hip-hop, there are some intriguing elements that I have heard from some of them who were a bit more adventurous.
he means 30 minutes spent on MAKING the one hip-hop beat. not w
he means 30 minutes spent on MAKING the one hip-hop beat. not writing a beat that's 30 minutes long.
I think the cap'n got that. But still - 30 minutes listening to
I think the cap'n got that.
But still - 30 minutes listening to 1 beat...where's the sharpest tool on my leatherman??
so it is just as I was thinking. a 30 minute long hip hop beat I
so it is just as I was thinking. a 30 minute long hip hop beat IS too long.
Hip-Hop is a F**king waiste of space, why don't you get a bloody
Hip-Hop is a F**king waiste of space, why don't you get a bloody drummer and you wont need to waiste your stupid meaningless time making "beats" as you call them.
Write lyrics first, if i turn the radio on, i hear the same song 5 times in the one hours for starters, the "Beat" is on loop (How Creative :roll: ) and the song will consist of same lyrics said over and over again and if you lucky you get a verse or maybe even another variation placed.
So dont bother spending time posting on forums, blogging your "beat" making tutorials because for staters its not a skill and its not an achievment if your good at it, sell your recording set-up and quit you waiste of space, your music is destroying the music industry and flooding air space on radio and tv and its absoulute utter crap!
That's a lot of hostility. I'm a guitar player and I do what I
That's a lot of hostility. I'm a guitar player and I do what I do which is mostly rock and blues.
I don't think that you can blame the decline of the music industry on any one genre of music. I've heard some interesting music come from the hip hop community and I've heard some utter "crap" come from the rock community.
As for a waste of space, I think if you are looking for it, there is some value in almost every style of music from blues to jazz, r&b to rock, classical to hip hop.
If you are listening to the radio and hear the same song 5 times in an hour you probably need to break out the cd's or at least find a station that has more diversity.
Most popular music has probably been slandered at some point before becoming assimilated and watered down and fed to the masses, thereby making it "popular". That devil's music mentality never quite seems to go away, whether we're talking about jazz, blues, rock and roll, disco, or hip hop... and, fortunately for us :roll: , there will always be people around that seem to know what others should be listening. Really too bad.
Wow, I'm pretty stoked to hear someone be creative with hip hop.
Wow, I'm pretty stoked to hear someone be creative with hip hop. I feel like current hip hop is really in need of some new ideas. Though I don't personally perform hip hop I think it's neat that others are really into it. Keep it up. I'm glad you're expanding horizons into learning an instrument and realizing that you can't spend all day on one beat or you get burnt out. Thanks for the post. I'm really surprised at all the hostility towards this post.