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Vocal Compression

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Submitted by anonymous on


I was recently recording some vocal tracks and I realized that I definitely did not

dig the sound of the compressor. I, fortunately, almost have enough money saved

to buy some Mic Pre's and are now also thinking about some good compressors I could

use when tracking. I currently use my Soundtracs Topaz 8 into the Pro Tools LE software

via an RME ADI-8 Pro converter clocked to a Lucid Genx6.

The compressor I was using was a dbx 266XL (it is all i have..sorry :) ). Anyone have any

suggestions as to what I should look at. I was thinking about an Avalon 737 because of

the mic preamp, eq and compressor. I do, want to get API pre's as well. .one day maybe!




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Good choice, if you already have pre- then add a red 3 stereo compressor,if you want clean compression, or if you need warmth and some dark color a Tube tech . LA2A re-issue is great too. Those are my favourites, Avalon is also fun and clean. If you need a channel strip type with all the bells , Avalon is the way to go, or Massingberg, of Focusrite, Tubetech, all of these have the same stuff for about the same money, there are deals out there used. Good Luck. Adding tubes to PT really warms the audio up and add what Digi loses.

Tue, 02/05/2002 - 13:08 Permalink
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Ted Nightshade


are you gaining significantly clocking that RME piece to the Genx6? Have to imagine you are, or why would you do it (to justify the expense of the Genx6 :roll: )?

I'm using an RME ADI-8 DS, which is real similar I believe, and I'm considering some external clocking, Genx6 is a contender.

How would you describe the difference?

Curious as always,


Tue, 02/05/2002 - 17:17 Permalink
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Can't help but throw my tupence in here !! :o

Be very carefull here ... If you can spend the $$ there's a lot of nice stuff out there. Personally, I think the the 737's are overated :D

If you're sold on the idea of a strip channel, take a look at the Amek Pure Path .. very tasty. If you want a serious comp. look at the Distressor, Cranesong STC 8 (stereo), the 3 band Tubetech (forget the model #) or an Oram Sonicomp (stereo). They're all great, a bit pricey but you'll use them for the rest of you're recording career. So look ahead for the next 20+ years.

Oram (the same chap behind the Trident 80 series) probably gives you the most for your $. The comp has two distinct modes of operation for your enjoyment and variety. He makes a stereo pre with a very sweet/musiical EQ. Both peices can had for about the price of a single channel's worth of Tubetech or Cranesong gear. If you do have an intrest in his stuff and can't find it, e-me and I'll be happy to line you up with a dealer (not as widley available).

In any case ... be aware of what else is out there before jumping on a bandwagon and realising more can be had for those pennies in a jar ... and have fun looking. ;) :cool:

Wed, 02/06/2002 - 00:13 Permalink
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Originally posted by Cram:

Kev, be very careful here.....

.............. He was burned at the stake by the Catholic Church.

Oh Oh ... :eek:

Did I tell you I have an RNC and just looove it on drum groups and overheads etc,...

.... and when the RNMP (Mic-pre) is released I'll buy that even without listening to it!!!

Are my sins forgiven ?


Wed, 02/06/2002 - 09:36 Permalink
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Tom Cram

>Did I tell you I have an RNC and just looove it on drum groups and overheads etc,...

Me too.

>...and when the RNMP (Mic-pre) is released I'll buy that even without listening to it!!!

Say it ain't so!

>Are my sins forgiven ?

You're seeking absolution from the wrong guy. Perhaps someone who isn't an atheist/anarchist/misanthrope can help you there. :D

Wed, 02/06/2002 - 09:44 Permalink
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As far as compressors, IMO the Crane Song Trakker is by far the coolest compressor I've ever used. EXTREMELY versatile, definitely hi-fi, but also very vibey when you want it to be. I like it better than any other compressor I've used or owned (including Distressor, 1176 reissue) and it sounds great on everything, especially vocals. Highly recommended.


Wed, 02/06/2002 - 20:40 Permalink
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Originally posted by subspace:

You may want to listen to the Langevin Dual Vocal Combo by Manley as well. A class A solid-state version of the Manley El-Op, the compressors are very nice for tracking vocals. The pres, DIs, and EQ included would round out your front end nicely as well. HTH

I find the Manley much more useable in series after an 1176 than just by itself. It can be a bit slow for some voxs, but can lend itself to a certain something when run last (for tracking). The Opto on the Millennia is more flexible instead of just one setting, which for my purposes serves better. YMMV.

Thu, 02/07/2002 - 08:20 Permalink
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Originally posted by Cram:

You're seeking absolution from the wrong guy. Perhaps someone who isn't an atheist/anarchist/misanthrope can help you there.

So ther is more than one of us out there. :w:

As far as a channel strip is concerned.. nobody has mentioned it here yet, so here goes.

How about a Joe Meek VC1Qcs(good stuff and can have aN SPDF added)

or a VC6Q (cheaper but not nearly as good).

Either of these units bought on special will serve you well and be a good start to your collection.

Thu, 02/07/2002 - 09:00 Permalink