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malfunctioning digital recorder

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Submitted by anonymous on

My Roland VS 840 EX digital recorder has erased my last 2 songs I've attempted to record. I get halfway through a song and all of a sudden when I go to perform a routine function on the recorder, the disk(zip) either no longer has the song data or the data has been jumbled into an incoherent mess. This has happened with plenty of memory remaining on the zip disk(however, I should note that the zip drive routinely malfunctions when memory is about 3/4 used up, as well)

My suspicion is that I get near the 999 levels of undo limit possessed by the recorder(I'm very obsessive and I play each track in small pieces to get it how I want). Is this the likely reason for my troubles or is there some other likely possibility?


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Thomas W. Bethel

Originally posted by apodos:

I've tried several new disks and the same thing happens repeatedly.

New meaning brand new or new to the project? You maybe having problems with your ZIP drive. They can go bad.

The ZIP disks can also get fragmented just like a computer hard drive and if you have been using these disks for a while they might be severly fragmented.

Suggest getting a brand new factory fresh ZIP disk and trying it if you still have problems you may have to replace the ZIP drive.

Best of luck.

Sun, 02/15/2004 - 05:17 Permalink