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Newbie Needs Advice, PLEASE!

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Submitted by anonymous on

Thanks for checkin this out! I need some advice on setting up my home audio workstation. My band consists of my cousin (piano) and myself (bass). We use a drum machine for our drummer. For the last 2 years, we have been recording on a Zoom MRS 802b 8 track recorder. Well, to make a long story short, the recorder died on us.

I've been interested in these DAW programs for a while now. I thought it might be a good time to start now. The problem is that we know nothing about what to buy to set this up. I would like to get the best quality sound for as low of a price as possible.

Here are the things I would want with a setup:

1- Ability to record (real) instruments (ie piano, bass, vocals)

2- A solid equalizer and drum kits

3- Copy/Paste/Delete instruments/FX

4- Ability to burn to MP3 format to burn to disc

If you have any (and I mean advice!) on these questions I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks Guys,



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My obligatory standard reply-for-newbies that I keep in Wordpad so this is just a paste (I don't want to re-type this all the time):

First off, immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:

Home Recording for Musicians by Jeff Strong - $15

[=""] Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies (9780470385425): Jeff Strong: Books[/]="…"] Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies (9780470385425): Jeff Strong: Books[/]

(Wish I'd had that when I started; would have saved me lots of money and time and grief)

You can also pick up this book in most any Borders or Barnes&Noble in the Music Books section!

Another good one is: Recording Guitar and Bass by Huw Price

[[url=http://="…"] Recording Guitar and Bass: Getting a Great Sound Every Time You Record (Book) (9780879307301): Huw Price: Books[/]="…"] Recording Guitar and Bass: Getting a Great Sound Every Time You Record (Book) (9780879307301): Huw Price: Books[/]

(I got my copy at a place called Half-Price Books for $6!!)

And you can get a FREE subscription to TapeOp magazine at [=""][/]="http://www.tapeop.c…"][/]

Barnes&Noble or Borders are great places to start --- they have recording books and you can go get a snack or coffee and read them for FREE! Don't pass by a good recording book --- this is a VERY technical hobby and you REALLY want to start a reference library!!!

Good Newbie guides that also explains all the basics and have good tips:

[[url=http://="http://www.tweakhea…"]Tweak's Guide to the Home and Project Studio[/]="http://www.tweakhea…"]Tweak's Guide to the Home and Project Studio[/]

[=""]Free beginner PDFs | Computer Music Magazine |[/]="…"]Free beginner PDFs | Computer Music Magazine |[/]

[[url=http://="http://www.harmony-…"]The #1 online community for musicians | Harmony Central[/]="http://www.harmony-…"]The #1 online community for musicians | Harmony Central[/]

[=""]Tips & Techniques -[/]="http://www.gearslut…"]Tips & Techniques -[/]

21 Ways To Assemble a Recording Rig: [[url=http://="http://www.tweakhea…"]How to Configure a Recording Studio Rig[/]="http://www.tweakhea…"]How to Configure a Recording Studio Rig[/]

Also Good Info: [=""]Directory - The Project Studio Handbook - Digital Audio, Compression, Mixing, Monitoring, Microphones[/]="http://www.theproje…"]Directory - The Project Studio Handbook - Digital Audio, Compression, Mixing, Monitoring, Microphones[/]

Other recording books: [[url=http://="http://musicbookspl…"]Music Books Plus - Home Recording[/]="http://musicbookspl…"]Music Books Plus - Home Recording[/]

Still using a built-in soundcard?? Unfortunately, those are made with less than $1 worth of chips for beeps, boops and light gaming (not to mention cheapness for the manufacturer) and NOT quality music production.

#1 Rule of Recording: You MUST replace the built-in soundcard.

Here's a good guide and user-tested suggestions that work: [=""]The Best Audio Interfaces for your Home Studio by TweakHeadz Lab[/]="http://www.tweakhea…"]The Best Audio Interfaces for your Home Studio by TweakHeadz Lab[/]

(you'll want to bookmark and read through all of Tweak's Guide while you're there...)

Another good article: Choosing an audio interface - [[url=http://="http://www.soundons…"]Choosing An Audio Interface[/]="http://www.soundons…"]Choosing An Audio Interface[/]

Plenty of software around to record for FREE to start out on:

Sony ACID Express (free 10-track sequencer): [=""] Free Downloads: ACID Xpress[/]="http://www.acidplan…"] Free Downloads: ACID Xpress[/]

Audacity: [[url=http://="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder[/]="http://audacity.sou…"]Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder[/] (multi-track with VST support)

Wavosaur: [=""]Wavosaur free audio editor with VST and ASIO support[/]="http://www.wavosaur…"]Wavosaur free audio editor with VST and ASIO support[/] (a stereo audio file editor with VST support)

Kristal: [[url=http://="http://www.kreative…"]KRISTAL Audio Engine[/]="http://www.kreative…"]KRISTAL Audio Engine[/]

Other freebies and shareware: [=""]Music Software - Computer Music Resources - Shareware Music Machine[/]="http://www.hitsquad…"]Music Software - Computer Music Resources - Shareware Music Machine[/]

Another great option is REAPER at [[url=http://="http://www.cockos.c…"]REAPER | Audio Production Without Limits[/]="http://www.cockos.c…"]REAPER | Audio Production Without Limits[/] (It's $50 but runs for free until you get guilty enough to pay for it...)

I use Reaper and highly reccomend it...

Music Notation and MIDI recording: Melody Assistant ($25) and Harmony Assistant ($80) have the power of $600 notation packages - [[url=http://[/URL]="http://myriad-onlin…"]Myriad: Music Notation Software and much more... / Myriad : logiciels de musique, et bien plus...[/]="http://myriad-onlin…"]Myriad: Music Notation Software and much more... / Myriad : logiciels de musique, et bien plus...[/]

Demo you can try on the website.

And you can go out to any Barnes&Noble or Borders and pick up "Computer Music" magazine - they have a full FREE studio suite in every issue's DVD, including sequencers, plugins and tons of audio samples. (November 2006 they gave away a full copy of SamplitudeV8SE worth $150, November 2007-on the racks Dec in the US- they gave away SamplitudeV9SE and July 2009 issue they put out Samplitude10SE, November 2010 SamplitudeSilver. FREE. It pays to watch 'em for giveaways...)

'Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever...'

Wed, 12/29/2010 - 20:01 Permalink
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Send him everywhere but here lol, right on, and sending him over to Gearshills (We actually started RO 3 years before GS was even born.) is about as bad as it gets but, wow, all great advise just the same... you put together a stellar list.


Way too much information for a newbie and all the info you need is right here.

Do you have any gear? Tells us your budget and you go from there.

You go from spending a grand to many thousands. You've posted in the pro audio forum, I recommend posting in our Home Recording Forum as well. You wouldn't be asking these question in the Pro Audio forums just yet.

Reaper and a PC is a great start. You need a PC (what OS laptop or desktop), Recording software (reaper, Pro Tools 9, Samplitude, Sonar, Cubase etc), a soundcard (adda interface), preamp(s) , Mic(s), cable

Starting reading...

Wed, 12/29/2010 - 21:55 Permalink