Your Avatar Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 01/21/2006 - 14:46 I need to buy some new protective corners for my guitar amp. It's a 100W tube head and the plastic corners need to be replaced. Can anyone recommend a web address to find some replacements? Tags corner issues Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar anonymous What's the brand? What's the brand? Log in or register to post comments Sat, 01/21/2006 - 16:40 Permalink Your Avatar Tommy P. Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know. An Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know. Antique Radio Supply They supply a lot of people. Type corners into the search field, and see what comes up. Log in or register to post comments Sat, 01/21/2006 - 18:51 Permalink Your Avatar anonymous GavinMajesty wrote: What's the brand? Hughes & Kettner WARP X G GavinMajesty wrote: What's the brand? Hughes & Kettner WARP X Great link Tommy! They have nice stuff I saw a lot of stuff for Marshall and Fender, but nothing for H&K yet. Please keep the suggestions coming Log in or register to post comments Sun, 01/22/2006 - 04:31 Permalink Your Avatar moonbaby Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabric Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabrication. A lot of manufacturers use these. Check it out. Log in or register to post comments Mon, 01/23/2006 - 14:09 Permalink
Your Avatar anonymous What's the brand? What's the brand? Log in or register to post comments Sat, 01/21/2006 - 16:40 Permalink
Your Avatar Tommy P. Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know. An Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know. Antique Radio Supply They supply a lot of people. Type corners into the search field, and see what comes up. Log in or register to post comments Sat, 01/21/2006 - 18:51 Permalink
Your Avatar anonymous GavinMajesty wrote: What's the brand? Hughes & Kettner WARP X G GavinMajesty wrote: What's the brand? Hughes & Kettner WARP X Great link Tommy! They have nice stuff I saw a lot of stuff for Marshall and Fender, but nothing for H&K yet. Please keep the suggestions coming Log in or register to post comments Sun, 01/22/2006 - 04:31 Permalink
Your Avatar moonbaby Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabric Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabrication. A lot of manufacturers use these. Check it out. Log in or register to post comments Mon, 01/23/2006 - 14:09 Permalink
What's the brand?
What's the brand?
Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know. An
Many many places. Anyone, chime in, with the ones you know.
Antique Radio Supply They supply a lot of people. Type corners into the search field, and see what comes up.
GavinMajesty wrote: What's the brand? Hughes & Kettner WARP X G
Hughes & Kettner WARP X
Great link Tommy! They have nice stuff
I saw a lot of stuff for Marshall and Fender, but nothing for H&K yet.
Please keep the suggestions coming
Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabric
Parts Express has good variety of cabinet parts from Penn Fabrication. A lot of manufacturers use these. Check it out.