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Submitted by vinniesrs on

Is there any well established pro's currently working in music production full time?

I assume there are.

My question is: would anyone be interested in having a shadow for a little while?

My intentions are to learn new things, and different ways to do the things I already do, or ways to do it better.

I have demo material I can provide, and I am highly skilled on bass, drums, and guitars.

I don't want to seem desperate, as I am currently making a comfortable living recording music, but I AM desperate to be the best I can be, and if you can help me, maybe I can help you. :D


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I would also like to mention that this site is a great place to share info and learn. I have never had the priveledge of observing a work in progress at a large commercial facility, nor have I had the luxury of schooling.

I just want to observe,a nd learn from watching others.

I guess what I'm asking for is an invite to sit in on a session.

I realize this may be inappropriate, but as they say, "you'll never get it if you don't ask for it".

Cheers. :c:

Fri, 06/20/2003 - 10:15 Permalink
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Hey Steve;

Fellow Canadjian here- i'm based in Guelph, Ontario.

Anyways, I don't think i'm necessarily qualified to 'mentor' anyone, but I've been all over the map making my living from audio related work now for 4 years. I've taught at recording schools, been an audio department manager at a media company, produced/engineered/recorded 3 albums, 3 live albums and 2 demos, and for the last 3 years I've also done sound design, composition and voiceovers for cartoons and net.

I've had my own studio for 5 years, currently i'm racking my own bank of 16 high-end pre's to move closer to 'the big leagues' - These include Neve, Telefunken, Siemens, API, and Langevin...the full complement. A couple of the bands I'm working with are doing better and better, and some are playing large festivals in the states later this summer...

I've always been a fan of music, and have constantly sought out interesting artists and recordings with exceptional 'sonics'(lack of a better word...this could be an album that's recorded beautifully or one with crazy audio antics...or anywhere inbetween)

When I had my eyes opened at 'recording school' both about the business and about the very reality of recording schools I decided there was no pissing way I was gonna work for minimum wage or less scrubbing toilets for a year before I touched a knob. Hell I ended up teaching some of the MIDI courses as I knew more than the instructor at my school. Previous to recording school I had been buying/selling/fixing analog synths and producing electronic music, so I had some gear(mostly synths and drum machines...)I could use to continue to trade up my studio....

But what I did miss from a lot of this was the mentoring process. A big part of the biz. I learned most of what I know from textbooks, EQ mag(I've read every one to date), the net and experimentation. I interned at Morin Heights in PQ, was there for Tea Party and Our Mother Earth albums. So I did pick up a few things from watching real sessions, cleaning up and setting up, etiquette etc...but I was never mentored. I don't regret this, but it would have been nice to be shown and explained some things rather than stumble through or happen to discover how things were done. But then again what if you were mentored by someone who wasn't necessarily great? I have no preconceptions of 'the way things are supposed to be done' - I've flown by the seat of my pants in some sessions strictly on mental reasoning(well, and hope!) I think it's more important to have a firm mental grasp on how all the different facets interact-acoustics, wiring, electronics, sound, instrument placement, effects, monitoring, mood, vibe, emotions...the list goes on and on. The more you know the better, through understanding concepts and actual experimentation....whew. not necessarily a rant, just a viewpoint.

Fri, 06/20/2003 - 10:46 Permalink
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Eric: I agree with you entirely that experimentation is important. I have a good grasp on acoustics, wiring, mic's,placement, sound, the tuning, repair and setup of many instruments, as well as a firm grasp on effects and mixing. I don't want to seem like a know it all in any way, but I will say that I am quite competent, and if I seek a certain result I will get it.

I believe that no matter what your level of skillknowledge is, you can always learn from others. With recording music, there is always more than one way to skin a cat, and there are always things to learn.

You are right next door to me, I am in Cambridge.

Perhaps we should talk sometime. It sounds like you have had some experience in areas that I have not, and I think this could benifit both of us.

I am in the hespeler part of cambridge.(almost in guelph!)

I invite you to call me by phone. You are also welcome to check out my studio.

Steve Metcalf,

Speed River Studios



Fri, 06/20/2003 - 11:14 Permalink
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I'm in the same boat . . . learning alot from mags, forums, listening, and practicing . . . but watching (or hearing rather) how a GOOD engineer works would be invaluable.

It's kind of like I have all these "dots" from my reading and studying, but no decisive voice to help me connect them. Sure, experience will over time, but I want to learn EVERY lesson by first screwing it up! Anyone here live in the DC area?



Wed, 06/25/2003 - 13:16 Permalink
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Mike, if you have some examples work that you have done, I would be very interested in hearing it. You are far away from me, and meeting would not be realistic, but perhaps a project would come along where I could reccomend you for some work, or vice versa. If you request I will PM a mailing address.

Other than that. Good luck! :c:

Wed, 06/25/2003 - 14:45 Permalink