I was looking to get the projectmix as a controller for Sonar and Cubase, but mainly for Pro Tools. PT is just what I was trained on and find it much comfortable to use...Only because I know where everything is that I need when I need it.
But what's the difference with the two: PT LE & M-Powered? I know that one caters to Digidesign's hardware and the other to M-Audio's, but as for editing, mixing, and recording, is there much of a difference?
But what's the difference with the two: PT LE & M-Powered? I kno
No difference.
mpowered doesn't support the dv toolkit option. 8)
mpowered doesn't support the dv toolkit option.
mpowered doesn't support the dv toolkit option. MPowered 7 and
MPowered 7 and above will work with DVToolkit, heres the catch it has to be the DVToolkit for Pro Tools 6.9x or below!!!
The academic version of MPowered comes with DVToolkit, someone you know has to be a student right??