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M260 Preamp - Live in Bum @#$% Egypt

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Submitted by vdrummer on

I'm looking for a low cost premp to drive my Beyer M260 this is a bit above what I would like to pay but looks very interesting. I live so far off the beaten path I can't try stuff out which sucks. Any other suggestions? Are the PreSonus BlueTube DP Stereo Dual Path Microphone/Instrument Preamp With 12AX7 Tube I like the price break. I want to try this with vocals (flavor I hope) and possibly record some pipes.

Thanks! -Microphone-Preamp?sku=181053


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If you let us know what the rest of your signal chain is it might help in getting better advice.

I don't know anything about the Grace unit but the Presonus one I have used, it added a smal amount of "warmth" but was not an outstanding difference IMO. This DP unit is a stereo (dual input) that uses one tube not sure how they do that, but Presonus makes a similar single path unit for about half the cost.

Another thread re:preamps {old-link-removed}

Sat, 03/21/2009 - 06:57 Permalink