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Question RE: CD player song title / artist display

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Submitted by Matt Bug on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 08:29

Finished mastering a CD over the weekend. Gave the Master CD to the band. Their response: "Matt, this sounds AWESOME! Only one problem: When I put it in my CD player it doesn't display the titles or anything? We need that."

I used CD Architect 5.2 (which came w/Sound Forge 10.0) to create the Master CD. I've inserted all the song titles / artist info on the track list in CD Architect. Is there anything else I can do to make the song titles display for them? I realize much of this completely depends on the CD player, but I would like to have a better understanding of how this works. When I told the band I probably wouldn't be able to do much else, their response was slightly barbed, "C'mon we're talking about 8-10 year old technology, Matt." The band are good guys and I'm sure we'll work together again. We've worked together for many years. The issue isn't a deal-killer. But I would like to have an intelligent response for them.

Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



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If these could help:

1- [=""]Gracenote | Gracenote FAQs[/]="http://www.gracenot…"]Gracenote | Gracenote FAQs[/]
2- [[url=http://="…"]How to Submit Missing CD Information via iTunes |[/]="…"]How to Submit Missing CD Information via iTunes |[/]

Mon, 07/16/2012 - 18:59 Permalink