A tech is currently refurbishing my Yamaha 03D console, whose ergonomics, MIDI implementation and built-in effects I love (I'm more creative with this old console, which I can play like a synth to create crazy sounds, than with newer ones).
Unfortunately, most of its faders are dead and Yamaha doesn't supply them anymore. It's almost impossible to find them new on the net, or not enough of them. If my info is correct, their part number is VZ523400, and they are exactly the same as for the 01V (original version), ProMix 01, AW4416, AW2816.
I found out that ALPS, the original manufacturer, still makes 60 mm faders that look pretty identical, part number RS60N11M9A0F: https://tech.alpsalpine.com/prod/e/html/potentiometer/slidepotentiometers/rsn1m/rs60n11m9a0f.html
Could someone please tell me if they are indeed the same and if my tech will be able to use the ALPS to repair my 03D?
Finding parts may be difficult, if Yamaha have no supply. If it
Finding parts may be difficult, if Yamaha have no supply. If it were me, I would look at picking up a gently used 03D to cannibalize for parts, or to make my #1 and keep the old one for spare parts.
According to my tech, these faders age badly and buying a used c
According to my tech, these faders age badly and buying a used console will just be a waste of time and money. I'm looking for brand new parts.
Widowsky, post: 464516, member: 51935 wrote: A tech is currently
Welcome to our forum!
I have an O3D and its faders are perfect. I'm mentioning this just in case you can't source new ones. Good luck!
Is the main problem with the existing faders to do with the slid
Is the main problem with the existing faders to do with the slider contact or with the motor drive? I do some servicing on 01V96s (which uses 100mm faders), and if the 03D is anything like that model, most of the motor troubles are actually in the H-bridge drive transistors. They are not easy to work on.
I counted over 30 of the 60mm Yamaha spec parts available from Ebay suppliers, all of whom stated they were "new". I see that you say you are in France, but there's a seller in Jericho, VT, USA who had around 20 of the correct model of the ALPS faders spread over two or more of his pages. Whether you feel you would trust the quality of these parts is up to you, but pristine parts with provenance will be hard to find.
audiokid, post: 464525, member: 1 wrote: Welcome to our forum! I
Thanks, I'll PM you about it ;)
Boswell, post: 464527, member: 29034 wrote: I counted over 30 of
I found this shop and started this thread while waiting for an offer. The guy had already told me he only had nine left. He just made his offer, which I accepted. I need ten more...
If I had confirmation that Yamaha VZ523400 and Alps RS60N11M9A0F are in fact the same, I would have an almost inexhaustible source of new faders :)
Widowsky, post: 464529, member: 51935 wrote: If I had confirmati
You could buy a couple and ask your tech to analyse them for you and see if the fit..
it would be very expensive, very long, and I'd have to find anot
it would be very expensive, very long, and I'd have to find another tech for that… So for now, I'd rather ask the internet :D
To be more specific, I only found stock available in Japan at th
To be more specific, I only found stock available in Japan at the moment. Prices vary between $25 and $55 per fader, double or triple that with the shipping costs.
My Yamaha-certified tech's hourly rate isn't cheap either. Besides, he seems uninterested in fixing a console he considers unworthy. I need to provide him with a turnkey solution.
I had a bit of a bad mouth against my tech (actually a small com
I had a bit of a bad mouth against my tech (actually a small company)… Of course, I had sent just in case the Alps RS60N11M9A0F specs and asked if it's the same as the Yamaha VZ523400. I finally got an answer, and it's yes!
So, I'll order the number I need and cross my fingers.
I'll come back here to tell how it worked out. It may be useful to someone else.