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2 OS's on one PC on seperate HD's !

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Submitted by 5aq1b on


Having got rid of my old DAW over a year ago, i've now got myself a new PC (for spec, see below). I didn't intend on this one being my new DAW, so i've been using it for day to day stuff ie. Surfing the net, burning CD's, d/loading etc.

I know that my plans for a new DAW have taken a step back due to financial (student debts!) reasons so I though of an alternative. Obviously i already have a HD installed with XP Pro running on it. Instead of creating a seperate profile, i was wondering if it was possible to install a second HD and install a completely seperate XP Pro on that HD so that when i wanna work on some music, i can do so by booting onto that HD's OS.

It would mean that I don't have to install my VSTi's and Sequencer etc on my first HD as the space has already been utilised by 'junk' + the system hasn't been optimised for DAW use. The intended HD's would all be SATA II.

Can anybody advise?


AMD Dual Core 3800+


1 x 500GB WD HD

M-Audio Audiophile 2496 S/Card


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If you can start ower i would do this.

Repartition the drive.

You need one Primrary partition wich is Active so that you can have a bootloader and systemfiles on it.

I, personaly, would only make this partition about 20-50GB

Then you create a big Extended partition on the rest wich you in turn, again my favored sollution, another 20-50GB Logical drive and the rest on a last Logical disk.

this will give you something like

1x50GB Primrary, Active partition. lets say. C:

1x50GB Logical partition. lets say D:

This would be where you store your different opperationsystems.

1x400GB Logical partition. lets say E:

This is where i would work. I would also often install programs here and keep files wich can be sheared between the operation systems.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 08:24 Permalink
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Personally, I would not install both OS copies on the same physical disk - if you lose that disk you've lost both OS installations and your computer is totally nonfunctional.

Also, the thought of sharing a Program Files folder with two OS installs doesn't sit well with me. I can't say I've done it or had trouble, but you'd have to INSTALL the program under each boot setup and specify the same folder for the installation - software updates might be ugly if you have to update the same installation with both OS boots for registry entry reasons. Disk space is cheap these days - don't skimp.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 09:55 Permalink
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Each installation will run of its own partition. You wont share the programfilesfolder. When i mentionet sharing applications its for programs that does'nt relay on a installation and strings in the registry.

I would'nt worry that the disk drive would fail. If it does, its usually not in such a fashion that you cant salvage the data.

Does'nt sound like hes on such a level that it would leave a economic ruin if he loses data.

By hey, my view on the cheapest solution.

Sun, 10/07/2007 - 10:11 Permalink