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Searching for Samples Of Mics on Vocals

Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 06:48

Hi Forum,

at first: thank you for your great forum and all the highly interesting and good information. i'm a regular reader and today i have a question on my own.

I saw that there are some "samples of mics on snares" and stuff like that. since i live in a small city its quite difficult for me to try out many different mics on my own (e.g. in a professional shop). therefore it would be nice to have vocal samples (i'm looking for that particular case) recorded with the same preamp and singer but with different mics to get some basic information.

The pricing should be below 1000€/$ but i don't want to buy a cheap mic.

I didn't found anything with the search function.
every piece of html would be helpful.

thanks in advance.
