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Mastering has become synonymous with quality and perfection. The process involves fine-tuning the tracks to make it sound interesting. The tweaked song sounds good on any medium and not just on which it was created. The mastering process renders polish to the whole song. This is all the more important when there are more than one song in the album. By mastering the album, the songs get in sync. The gaps between the songs get spaced out perfectly. The volume of the song is also adjusted so that there is no need to adjust it when the track changes. Mastering is performed in a mastering studio by a mastering engineer. When the master engineer listens to the track, he is able to detect certain nuances that are left out when the song is recorded. These are the result of the constant hearing of the song. The master engineer listens to the song with fresh ears and makes corrections that help in the commercial success of the song. Mastering services have become popular over the years, with musicians understanding the importance of mastering the song. Online mastering services are now becoming popular with demand. The online mastering is the cheap mastering that is convenient and highly qualitative. The growth in demand for good quality music has also led to the demand in mastering services. Mastering the music has become indispensable, which is necessary in case the album has more than one song in the album. The master engineer adds Eq and Compression to the song to make it sound mellifluous.