6 February 2012
This has to be a simple solution but I'm stumped.
My bounced 2 track sounds great at 16/ 44.1 but on the CD some transients are distorting. I've never had this problem before. How can it sound great ITB?
I'm even lowering my level to -6 and still some subtle clipping is occurring on the CD.
When I take my Master to my car to listen, its not there.
Other CD's on my PC sound fine too. What am I doing wrong or what needs to be adjusted?
Finally found it. I have a piece of gear inserted into the same
Finally found it. I have a piece of gear inserted into the same IO that shares my CD bus. Gear isn't suppose to effect the insert like this so that piece of gear needs another way to use it or another home. A relief getting it resolved.
Thanks for chiming in Richard!
What software are you using to make the CD? When you say you tak
What software are you using to make the CD? When you say you take the Master to your car (CD??) it is sounding fine?!