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I was on another forum and an old thread got bumped... There was BennyG.

He seems to have fallen off the planet around the new year (2005). Web site down, no posts anywhere...

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Ammitsboel Thu, 06/02/2005 - 09:20

Sork wrote: No they're not deleted, he has edited ALL of them and removed whatever he said. Based on some qoutes that other users made, he looked like a guy that could answer alot of questions... Lookes like he just didn't wanted to be a part of the forum anymore?

Wasn't it because the DIY forum got deleted?

Another thing is... has this forum got mad lately? all these completely foolish questions? Is that a part of the reason why Joe and Don don't come to this forum any more?

audiokid Thu, 06/02/2005 - 15:58

Sork wrote: I haven't been on this forum for too long, and I've looked on the older posts. Why is all content of replys by "brad" deleted? Is it the same brad as Brad Blackwood from the prosoundweb forum?

Brad changed his name here. I'm assuming, to fit tighter with the funky PSW policy and/or because he felt it important. They offered him a pay job, that was two years ago. I could default his name to what he should have left it as but I respect his motives and stay clear of drama. Everything is usually always about money or peer pressure.

After a software upgrade a while back some threads throughout the site were also pruned because of an auto setting that defaulted and actually worked. Very unfortunate. I have the entire 4 years archived and will someday have those years in a fun spot for us all to look back on. RO continues to grow so no doubt I have to start breaking years up so it run fast and is current for the products and technologies.
In twenty years from now things will have changed so much. Most likely we will have a completely new way of mastering or actually being full time mastering engineers. Maybe we need to start talking about this and how to prepare for it. Some refuse to believe it is happening. That being said, less and less old school are staying alive. New methods are moving in and this is part of the big question why. That's my take on it.

audiokid Thu, 06/02/2005 - 16:14

Ammitsboel wrote: [quote=Sork]No they're not deleted, he has edited ALL of them and removed whatever he said. Based on some qoutes that other users made, he looked like a guy that could answer alot of questions... Lookes like he just didn't wanted to be a part of the forum anymore?

Wasn't it because the DIY forum got deleted?

Another thing is... has this forum got mad lately? all these completely foolish questions? Is that a part of the reason why Joe and Don don't come to this forum any more?

sort of like this above quote from Ammitsboel lol. Sorry, couldn't resist (smile)

Don PM'd me a while back and said he was going to be away for a while until he landed a good gig. I have been keeping my ears open for him. That being said, people come and go. The data base is full of history and a lot of that is searchable. Quite of few members post less and read more because Don, Joe, Michael etc said it clear many times.
What we're seeing is the DAW revolution. A new audio world is evolving and obviously taking on new ways to write and finish music. Hopefully we keep up with it all and find ways to survive as professional engineers.


Ammitsboel Fri, 06/03/2005 - 08:47

I think if don't choose a path of it's own, then it's just a matter of time before it will drown itself in foolish questions which nobody wants to answer. In the end the forum will terminate itself.

Does anybody in here want to support those people that don't care about music more than the fact that they don't want to offer anything on it and then expect others to offer them help?
As I see it a lot of the posts here comes from that point of view. People that help and support themselves in being lesser. On PSW this is to some extent the same... except the lesser people has been replaced with highly respected engineers that also have a tendensy of holding themselves in the same position and therefore not improving.

I miss Don!!!

audiokid Fri, 06/03/2005 - 10:33

Ammitsboel wrote: I think if don't choose a path of it's own, then it's just a matter of time before it will drown itself in foolish questions which nobody wants to answer. In the end the forum will terminate itself.

Does anybody in here want to support those people that don't care about music more than the fact that they don't want to offer anything on it and then expect others to offer them help?
As I see it a lot of the posts here comes from that point of view. People that help and support themselves in being lesser. On PSW this is to some extent the same... except the lesser people has been replaced with highly respected engineers that also have a tendensy of holding themselves in the same position and therefore not improving.

I miss Don!!!

You could get off the foolish question topic and actually be part of what you are accusing this site now, this seems to be turning into one of those threads. However, Good point on choosing a path... RO is a leader, not a follower and always has been, Nor am I and RO part of any slippery organization or special interest group that dictates what we do or say because we owe a "favor" or else. RO is independent. In a nut shell... Its easier to evolve when you don't have bureaucrats or multiple administrators constantly bickering about which way the company should go.

Don will be back, he is the real thing. If he is unable to.. we have a good part of his spark with us at all times.

Michael Fossenkemper Fri, 06/03/2005 - 20:13

Ok, no bickering or i'm going to have to exercise my moderator muscle. kidding.

what Henrik says has some truth, although rough around the edges in how he says it. I'm partly to blame as I'm currently the only moderator really active and myself pretty busy. It's hard to drive the forum in a direction when i'm in a busy cycle, for that I appologize. I have seen an increase in "basic" questions and quick answers to long achieved experience. I will try to guide this forum to a level where experienced guys can hash it out and where newbee's can also gain and jump in.
