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I don't advertise myself as a mastering guy, but I end up doing "junior" mastering for projects that come in. I am recording to Pro Tools digi 001 and generally burning to CD, mastering right in the PT session. I use Waves L-1 as a finalizer (usually trying to limit the amount of compressing it is doing to 2-4 db occasionally, frankly I don't like the sound it gives the material) before that usually BF 1176 to compress about 3 db, and, if needed (OK usually), the Waves Eq.
I am wondering, does the Masterlink do any/all of these jobs better? Should I get L-2? What are you folks using? Thanks, Doc


omegaarts Fri, 05/23/2003 - 00:32

I'm using a Masterlink and really like it. I also have a Finalizer inline before it.
Haven't used the mastering tools very much but it does a good job of matching levels between songs.
I've played around with it some and it would certainly work for an in house job. I take all my stuff to Master Mix in N'Ville. Ken Love at the controls. I say I take it because I get my moneys worth just out of picking his brain while we work.
AND a great master to boot.
I deliver my projects to him in the CD 24 format and let him choose how he wants to proceed.


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