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Hi. I'm having a guest guru-type engineer come over to my studio to help me sort out some tough mixes. I use an unusual track ball mouse - Mouse Traks Professional - which is a hell of a mouse once you get used to it, but takes a while to get used to.

I'm sure my friend has a mouse he prefers and would be a lot quicker using.

Can we use both mice at once?

Or can XP only load drivers for one mouse at a time?

My mouse is a USB mouse, I'm not sure what my friend would use. . .


anonymous Fri, 04/18/2003 - 06:37

The guru forgot to bring his mouse so I couldn't test dual mice.

However, I did get the idea once we really began piling up the track and plug counts that XP Pro is happiest with PS2 mice for mission critical applications.

My friend said Microsoft has made this recommendation to him. Also, a call to MouseTraks also confirmed this suspicion, as they admit that although they have newer USB drivers than the ones on my mouse's firmware, PS2 mice are just more bulletproof in XP.

So what I'm saying is not that USB mice don't work well under normal conditions; I'm saying that when things get dicey, a USB mouse might be a weak link that is best avoided.


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