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Marshall mics MXL2003 and V67G

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Submitted by Alécio Costa on Thu, 08/07/2003 - 17:39

Hi folks!
Have you tested these two mics? they are popping down here for very nice prices. I assume they are in the same boast of C300OB's and GT55's..
Nice friday


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Originally posted by Alécio Costa - Brazil:
Hi folks!
Have you tested these two mics? they are popping down here for very nice prices. I assume they are in the same boast of C300OB´s and GT55´s..
Nice friday

A friend of mine has the v76, and Joe Barresi got a pair. They were a rage when they first came out because of the cost to performance ratio. I hear there good. Haven't used them myself.

Fri, 08/08/2003 - 04:46 Permalink
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I have two V67G's (G=Green colored body, with gold grill). Very colored, warm-sounding microphone. Has a slight vintage texture to it. Very good on male vocals, even on certain guitar cabs! These get a lot of use here and there.

I also have the V93M- a "Mars Music" version of the MXL2003. Same mic, just branded differently when sold through "Mars" (out of business). It can be pretty useable on acoustic sources... a few vocals, as far as I've tried. It sounds fairly "neutral", not very colored. I call this the "poor man's TLM-103" but use this term loosely.


Fri, 08/08/2003 - 06:42 Permalink
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I don't have the 67G, but I do have two of the 67M (the special "Mogami" version, that I got from MARS), and a V57. I live them all. The 67s get used for everything from vocals to kick drum mics (seriously).
The 57 is a better vocal mic, and I only have one of those, but it's the closest I have to my U87ai, at least through a nice pre. I'm very happy with the value for dollar of the MXL's.


Fri, 08/08/2003 - 12:02 Permalink