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Micing a strings quartet ?

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 21:20

In the next days, I have to record a strings quartet formed of two violins, an alto violin, and a cello.

I'm going to use two condenser mics (Beringher B1, and Tascam LD-74 made by MXL) in a Tascam USL-122. I don't have too many choices with the mics. I also posted on Audio ProGear forum, because I plan to buy two tube preamp for that (VBT-1, or ART V3, or TubePre).

The room is a regular church with reverb.

I read a litte about Micing positions, and distance, and everything... I would like to know tricks, advices and suggestions, what you would do with the equipment I have, the mixing and obviously the Micing thing.

Thanks in advance!


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Have you done a search of this forum for micing ideas? For a string quartet, you'd probably want to get a stereo recording. There are several strategies to mic for stereo (again, do a search) but generally, you need matching mics, or mics with specific patterns. Using the two mics you listed may or may not give you a good image. You might be better to rent a pair of stereo mics for this recording.

If you haven't come across this [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.tweakhea…"]Guide[/]="http://www.tweakhea…"]Guide[/], you might find it useful. While it has a strong focus on electronic music, there are excellent sections on studio options, micing, and so on. Also, there are a number of good intro books available at Amazon and similar stores which woudl have lots of useful background info.

Fri, 12/21/2007 - 03:37 Permalink
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Thomas W. Bethel

ORTF or Coincident Pair would probably be your best bet or if you want to get really creative you could go M-S and then do the widening or narrowing of the sound in post.

Different setups are covered here...

Use the best microphones you can and try and record the rehearsal and listen to it under ideal circumstances with a good quality playback system to see how it really sounds BEFORE you record the concert if you have never done this before. Things can sound different using headphones and you may make a decision that cannot be undone later in the process.

Best of luck :wink:

Fri, 12/21/2007 - 14:15 Permalink