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Micing drums?

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Submitted by TheWeez on Tue, 01/02/2018 - 08:36

I stopped recording about 8 years ago and just recently decided to get back into it. I have a decent set of drum mics but they do not include any "overhead" mics. I ended up using two large condenser mics that I normally use for vocals but what I'm finding is that the snare comes out really loud, not giving me much control over the SM57 I use directly on the snare.

Micing Live Performance of Sax Quartet

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Submitted by LSinoff on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 16:28

I have a sax quartet and need to record our performances for some QC. The music we play are jazz standards and the arrangements have a lot going on in the inner voices. We need to be able to listen to our performances to check out how we balance on set vs in rehearsal. Our set up is usually in a V. I am unable to place a mic stand in front of the group past the front music stands.

Creating Impulse Responses using MS Micing technique.

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Submitted by ThirdBird on Fri, 10/25/2013 - 09:53

So, I sometimes use the SIR1 plugin for reverb (its free!). It takes impulse responses of different locations around the world to simulate reverb. You can even make your own, which I did. I took a pair of SDC's and recorded them in XY inside a giant staircase in my school. It sounds pretty cool.