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Microphone not picking up audio/powering on AT2035 & Focusrite Scarlette Solo

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Submitted by bobby web on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 19:50

I just recently purchased some things on ebay, I got an Audio-Technica at2035 and a Focusrite scarlette solo. I plugged them into my computer, installed all neccesary drivers and the scarlett powers on fine and is fully recognized no problem. Now I'm not sure if the mic is even recieving power or not or not picking up audio, but in audactiy i get no sound, the cable I'm using is labeled as yongsheng professional ofc microphone cable. could i be i may have a faulty cord or not right one? I'm really hoping its not the microphone itself thats defective which i doubt it is, what should I do to try to get it to power on?


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Assuming you know this already, but I'll mention it anyway...
The 2035 is a condenser mic, and requires phantom power to work... have you made sure that the phantom power/48v switch on the Scarlett is on?

Have you visited the Focusrite website and checked to see that the drivers you have installed are the most current?

Have you plugged headphones into the Scarlett to see if you are getting signal to it?
When you listen to the Scarlett with headphones, are you hearing any sort of hum, buzz, or other noise?

Did the Focusrite come with a software mixer program? Look to see that the volume is up, that the channel is on.

Even good cables can get beaten up and go bad. I'd try another cable first, and if that doesn't solve it, borrow another mic from someone, one that you know for sure works, and try it.

Don't change more than one quotient at a time... check each possibility by itself; it's a process of elimination thing.

Thu, 01/05/2017 - 03:16 Permalink
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In addition to all the things Donny has mentioned, check that you are using an XLR-XLR cable for the microphone and it is plugged into the 3-pin XLR connector (leftmost connector on the Scarlett front panel). Is your Scarlett a 1st Generation or 2nd Generation?

I have a few pointers about your use of Audacity.

What input device does Audacity say it is taking its data from? To check this, go to the Edit -> Preferences pane in Audacity and then the Devices panel. The bottom option is the Recording input, and it should explicitly say it's going to take data from the Focusrite Scarlett. I've never used a Scarlett with Audacity, so I cannot predict the exact wording that will come up, but the point is that it should not be the default computer sound card.

If the recording device looks OK, what do you get when you actually record a short section? If you expand the recorded Audacity display vertically almost as far as it will go, you should be able to see a thin band of noise around the zero level. This specifically should not be a completely flat line.

You should ideally be opening a mono channel for the microphone input and not stereo. If you simply hit the red record button and a stereo track appears, then the microphone input will be in the upper (left) track. If you have a guitar or other instrument also plugged in, it will be in the lower (right) track. You can easily split a stereo track into two separate mono tracks after recording.

Thu, 01/05/2017 - 04:47 Permalink
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Another thing ; this interface gets it's power from the usb port. It is possible that the port gives enough power for the interface but not enough to sustain phantom power

From their website about the preamp levels :
Find the Perfect Level
Setting the perfect level couldn’t be easier, thanks to our signature halos around the gain knobs. They glow a reassuring shade of green when you’re recording at the perfect volume. If they turn red, it’s time to back off.

Thu, 01/05/2017 - 04:48 Permalink
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bobby web

DonnyThompson, post: 446320, member: 46114 wrote: Assuming you know this already, but I'll mention it anyway...
The 2035 is a condenser mic, and requires phantom power to work... have you made sure that the phantom power/48v switch on the Scarlett is on?

Have you visited the Focusrite website and checked to see that the drivers you have installed are the most current?

Have you plugged headphones into the Scarlett to see if you are getting signal to it?
When you listen to the Scarlett with headphones, are you hearing any sort of hum, buzz, or other noise?

Did the Focusrite come with a software mixer program? Look to see that the volume is up, that the channel is on.

Even good cables can get beaten up and go bad. I'd try another cable first, and if that doesn't solve it, borrow another mic from someone, one that you know for sure works, and try it.

Don't change more than one quotient at a time... check each possibility by itself; it's a process of elimination thing.

Ive done it with the 48v power thing on, nothing, and also im very new to this stuff so I actually wasnt aware sbout any of that and I appreciate it alot, im gonna order a new cable to see if that works, when recording i do get a buzzing/hum sound but no actual sound

Thu, 01/05/2017 - 11:45 Permalink