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Microphone not picking up audio/powering on AT2035 & Focusrite Scarlette Solo

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Submitted by bobby web on

I just recently purchased some things on ebay, I got an Audio-Technica at2035 and a Focusrite scarlette solo. I plugged them into my computer, installed all neccesary drivers and the scarlett powers on fine and is fully recognized no problem.

over/underpowering speakers...very confused...

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi all,

My speakers are damaged, and I want to know why. Here's the situation:

-Berhigner (sp) EP2500 amp (rated "2x1200 W @ 2 ohms, 2400 W @ 4 ohms mono bridged)

-2 Harbinger Dual 15" speakers, each 600 W, 4 ohms

-Usually we also hook up several 150 W monitors. Not sure on impedence

powering a mobile rig

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Submitted by rfreez on

What are the options for powering a small mobile rig... say an Apogee Ensemble, a laptop and 2 X AEA TRP (outboard preamps) and a headphone distribution unit in a (remote) Church that has no power?

Sorry, this must be the first thing to know about location recording, but i've never recorded in a place without power before and have no clue...

USB Midi Interface Powering Thru Box?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I just purchased a MidiSport 2x2 interface. I come OUT of the MidiSport into a Midiman 1x4 Thru Box then into my sound modules. The Thru box has a small green LED that lights to signify it's receiving midi. It does not light up. I have checked all my cables and everything is fine. I assume since the Midisport is powered via USB that it is not getting enough power to operate the thru box.